Lois 4xR

Appearance: Superman's Girlfriend, Lois Lane No. 28 (Oct. 1961)
Known Members: None. Most likely there is no Legion of Super-Heroes in this parallel reality, since everyone on this future Earth possesses Superman-level super-powers.
Synopsis: Lex Luthor, who was told by Cosmic King that space and time could be bridged by combining the elements of several common objects, uses such a device to send Superman into an alternate future. In the year 2961, he is saved by Lois 4xR and together they use their super-powers to determine if she is descended from Superman and Lois Lane.
Comments: This parallel universe's Earth suffered a cataclysm in 2441 when "Planetoid One" with rings similar to Saturn's grazed the Earth's surface plowing up the city of Metropolis in it's path. A new Metropolis was built on a different site and the strange gases from the rings of the planetoid gave everyone on Earth super-powers.
Note that only the future presented is a parallel universe, the Cosmic King that instructed Lex is the same adult villian of the Legion of Super-Villains as this story takes place a few months after Lex and the LSV team up.
Parallel Chameleon Boy and Proty II
Appearance: Adventure
Comics No. 325 (Oct. 1964)
Known Members: Chameleon Boy and Proty II
Synopsis: The Chameleon Boy and Proty II from our universe use an extradimensional portal machine to travel to another universe in order to pay a visit to their parallel world counterparts.
Comments: The Parallel-World Chameleon Boy and Proty II seem to be friendly with each other and, given the infinitude of the multiverse, the odds of this being the same Parallel-World Chameleon Boy from Superboy No. 117's "The Five Legion Traitors" (see below) are quite slim.
The Five Legion Traitors
Appearance: Superboy No. 117 (Dec. 1964)
Known Members: Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Ultra Boy (all expelled) and Superboy
Synopsis: Superboy is unaware that he was blown into an alternate dimension by a supernova and, back on Earth, five parallel Legionnaires - Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Element Lad, Invisible Kid and Ultra Boy - appear in 1930s Smallvile and attempt to expose his identity. The Superboy of this parallel universe helps the Boy of Steel, who returns the five criminals to 30th century Metropolus.
Comments: This parallel universe's Legion does not appear in the story, however Superboy speculates that the five "traitors" were once Legionnaires "thrown out of the club for conduct unbecoming Legion members". The parallel Superboy does not confirm this theory but according to a Science Police officer they were "the most wanted criminals of our time!" In this way, those former members are that universe's equivalent of the Fatal Five and we can't help but wonder if, in the cosmic balance of it all, that perhaps Tharok & Co. are heroes in this universe!
Note that in this universe place names are misspelled from our point of view: Smallville is written Smallvile and Metropolis is spelled Metropolus. Lana Lang in this reality does not suspect that Clark Kent is Superboy. A parallel version of Pete Ross is seen but it is not known how he differs from our own Pete. It is possible that Pete is the one who is always scheming to reveal Superboy's identity and Lana is his loyal supporter who secretly knows his identity!

30th Century Superman Tales
Appearance: Superman No. 181 (Nov. 1965), Action Comics No. 338 & 339 (June & July 1966), World's Finest Comics No. 166 (May 1967).
Known Members: None. Most likely there is no Legion of Super-Heroes in this parallel reality, since our Legion was a group of teenagers who were inspired by the teenaged Superboy from the past. Considering that there has been an adult Superman carrying on the original's work from generation to generation, it is possible, however, that other super-hero teams - both adult and teenaged - are based on this parallel-Earth.
Synopsis: In this reality, the Superman line has continued, unbroken, for 1,000 years and his 20th descendant officially takes up the mantle as Earth's greatest protector.
Comments: As it is never stated that these stories are of an "imaginary" nature, we have chosen to list them here as parallel-world stories. For a more detailed essay on the Superman of the 30th century, click on the picture below...


Appearance: Action Comics No. 388 (May 1970)
Known Members: Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, Lightning Lad
Synopsis: Superman returns from space to find that Professor Farlow Nurd has created a distorted duplicate-world which has displaced the real Earth into Limbo. On this world, Lex Luthor (whose hair grows when he gets mad) and Brainiac are Superman's pardoned friends. Mr. Mxyzptlk talks like Bizarro while Bizarro is smart. This duplicate world has a Legion as well, who come back in their Legion Time Square to explain how stupid Lois is. Lois uses a super-dart-gun that Jimmy invented to make them disappear for an hour. After Sgt. Rock seeks revenge on Superman for marrying Lois Lane, Superman realizes what's happening and uses a mirror and the Professor's Duplicator to restore the real Earth and displace the distorted duplicate-world into another dimension. The duplicate world's Superman arrives back on the Earth just before this happens and eventually weds Lois with the Legion among the onlookers.
Comments: On the duplicate-world, the Flash has Lightning Lad's emblem and Lightning Lad has the Flash's. Saturn Girl has a half-moon emblem. And Cosmic Boy wears one of Colossal Boy's gloves.