Legion of
Super-Heroes Calendars
by Jo & Terri-Anne Sanning
Keep track of the date in
30th century style with a home-made calendar
featuring a new image of the Legion of
Super-Heroes every month! It was easy to make
the calendar itself using a template in Microsoft
Publisher. The program gave us the choice of
different fonts and page styles so we could give
our calendar a personalized look, and then
created the whole calendar for us automatically
(if you don't have Publisher, Microsoft Word and
other programs also have templates for creating
customized calendars). We could then add
birthdays, anniversaries, appointments, etc. onto
the individual days before printing it all out.
You can
bind the pages in a number of ways, from simply
using a hole-punch and loose leaf rings (as
pictured) to professional binding for reports,
available at office supply stores for a fee.
for Legion of Super-Heroes images include covers,
individual panels, and montages of characters. One year
we included a trivia question for each month, and someday
we have plans to make pin-up calendars featuring the
Legion gals.
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