Legion Ornaments by Jo & Terri-Anne Sanning These quick and easy ornaments will add a little Legion to your holiday festivities or to your surroundings year-round. TIME BUBBLE ORNAMENT This ornament features the three charter members in their time bubble. It's fast and easy to make and will make your holiday tree look "super"! The characters were scanned in from the cover of Adventure No. 300, arranged into a group using Adobe Photoshop, and then printed on heavy greeting card paper. The cutout was then inserted into a circular card base and then placed into a 3" diameter craft globe. (The cutout has slipped a little bit in this picture -- normally their feet would be resting on the floor of the globe).
SUPER SNOW GLOBE The following "snow" globe was simple to make. The globe itself was bought at a craft store and all we had to do was scan the cover from Action Comics No. 285, add a picture of real buildings behind the heroes, insert it into the slot provided and - voila! - we had the ticker-tape parade celebrating Supergirl's first public appearance! |