Duo Damsel of the Legion of Super-Heroes
Duo Damsel
Name: Luornu Durgo
Home Planet: Cargg
Super-Power: Splitting into two bodies
Member Since: 2963

Origin | Super-Power | Personal Data | Membership Record

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Triplicate Girl triplicates"Luornu Durgo comes from the planet Cargg, where a triple sun imbued all inhabitants with the power to split into three bodies."

- Adventure Comics No. 329 (Feb. 1965) "Know Your Legionnaires"

Comments: After one of her bodies was destroyed by Computo the Conqueror, Luornu was left with the ability to split into just two bodies, and so changed her name from Triplicate Girl to Duo Damsel (Adventure Comics No. 340, 341).

First Appearance: Action Comics No. 276 (written by Jerry Siegel, drawn by Jim Mooney)

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As Triplicate Girl, Luornu could "split" into three separate, physically identical, bodies. After Computo destroyed one of her bodies, her power was limited to dividing into just two "selves".

Her duplicate(s) slide out of and away from her as they materialize, and must be in close proximity for her to pull together again and "link up" (Adventure Comics No. 372 "The Legion Outpost", Action Comics No. 380/2). The speed of her splitting (and rejoining) process is a sudden one, carrying with it enough momentum to shatter a thin metal casing that was once hardened around her (321).

Anything she is wearing - such as clothes, rings, etc. - are also duplicated (Adventure Comics No. 326, 376 "The Legion Outpost"). Once, she triplicated a ray gun that was small enough to carry in one hand (304). Duplicated devices remain as fully fuctional as the original.

The Luornu that initiates the split often "numbers" her duplicate body/bodies - i.e "Triplicate Girl 2" (Adventure Comics No. 341) or "Duo Damsel 2" (345) - but this is only to clarify things for her teammates, not to indicate that the split-off bodies are somehow inferior, since all of the bodies are her. Even she doesn't know which is the "real" her, because each are equal and exactly alike with no difference (Action Comics No. 380/2).

Even separated by distance, each body remains connected, on an instinctive level, by an unseen bio-energetic force - her superconscious mind if you will. This connection has been demonstrated by her bodies doing things simultaneously although they are in different places (Adventure Comics No. 326).

Each body is identical, thinking and acting alike, and will often say the exact same thing at the same time. At other times, one body will continue the dialogue and thought pattern from the previous body (Jimmy Olsen No. 76). When each body is working independently, all memories gained while apart become shared once she rejoins (Adventure Comics No. 377 "The Legion Outpost"). Sometimes, she will relive the experiences of each independent body through her dreams. When one of her bodies turned evil, the change in character once they were linked resulted in her gaining a dual personality (Action Comics No. 380/2).

Triplicating gets the job done in a third the time

While split, each body has the same biological needs as the single self. If Duo Damsel is thirsty and she splits into two bodies, each one will remain just as thirsty as before (Adventure Comics No. 359).

When split, Duo Damsel has twice the strengthDuo Damsel possesses strength comparable to a normal, albeit athletic, Earth girl when in singular form. When she splits, each body is exactly like the original and so each has the same strength as the singular form. If her split selves work in unison, only then can she effectively "double" her strength (Adventure Comics No. 343). Once, in singular form, she did manage to lift and toss a heavy street sign but this can be attributed to a combination of adrenaline during an emergency situation and being in superb physical shape due to her Legion training (369). It is also possible that Cargg has a gravity slightly heavier than Earth's, which would certainly have assisted in accomplishing this feat.

Despite her multiple presence, Triplicate Girl (or Duo Damsel) is only allocated one ballot in Legion voting matters (Adventure Comics No. 317, 322 "The Legion Outpost"). This is because each duplicate thinks and judges the same way and so to give her more than one vote would effectively "stuff" the ballot box.

It is possible that her teammates believed that there was only one "real" Triplicate Girl, and the other two bodies she created were mere manifestations of her power. This could explain why her fellow Legionnaires thought her dead when they saw the Triplicate Girl who initiated the split being killed by Computo - they incorrectly assumed that the "real" Luornu had died and that her doubles which ran off would not survive long without her (340, 341). The truth is, each body is a part of her whole - functioning like remote appendages - so when the initiator Luornu died the other two could still re-combine into one body. When one part of her was lost, it was akin to a normal human being losing a limb.

Duo Damsel is the only Legionnaire who can defeat Nemesis Kid by "herself" in as much as her ability is the only one that can confuse his power to defeat "any one opponent" when she suddenly splits (Adventure Comics No. 372).

Limitations and Weaknesses: Duo Damsel can not duplicate anything that is so large it cannot be easily carried in one hand (Jimmy Olsen No. 76, Adventure Comics No. 376 "The Legion Outpost").

It is a superstition among the people of Cargg that it is bad luck to triplicate oneself "three times in one day" (Adventure Comics No. 343). After having suffered the fate of losing one of her bodies after doing so, it may have cemented her belief in such a superstition. On the other hand, it is uncertain if the superstition continues to apply to those who no longer triplicate (perhaps it is now unlucky to duplicate twice in one day?).

The hyper-aura of Nam'Lor, hero of Ikros, turned one of her selves evil. The effect is possibly due to her Carggian physiology (Action Comics No. 380/2).

Speculative Explanation of Power: Being born under the unique radiations of Cargg's triple sun imbued Luornu with a quantity of biogenetic energy, concentrated in specialized organelles within her body's cells. As Triplicate Girl, she utilized this energy to materialize two exact duplicates of herself. This process scans the present state of her genetic structure, replicates the pattern twice, and then quickly materializes two additional bodies that emerge from her body. The biogenetic energy is divided equally between the two materializing bodies, and that energy is quickly transformed into solid matter to create two exact duplicates.

Having the exact same genetic "signature", the three bodies remain attuned to each other via the bio-energetic field they generate together. The closer the bodies are to one another results in a stronger sympathetic bond, where they are able to share common thoughts and feelings; the farther apart they are, the weaker the connection.

All three bodies continually expend energy in order to maintain a multiple existence. While they can survive apart for extended periods of time, even weeks, instinct will eventually guide them back to each other to rejoin and rest (Action Comics No. 380/2). When rejoining, two of the bodies are dematerialized into energy and are drawn back into the remaining body, where they are stored once again as potential biogenetic energy.

Luornu first becomes Duo DamselWhen one of Luornu's bodies was destroyed by Computo - and it appears to have been the originating body that was lost - its substance was lost forever (excet for a few trace particles of inert matter that were interred on Shanghalla). The two remaining bodies, having the same power as the original, could blend back into one, each contributing half of its matter to be stored in one body as potential energy. She is still the same person - with the same personality, mind, and soul - but as Duo Damsel she now only posseses enough energy to divide into two people.

On her world, Luornu is probably viewed as having a physical disability. No doubt, there is a minority of people on her world who are also incapable of triplicating, or even duplicating.

Once, when Luornu's power was temporarily "beefed-up", she gained the ability to create hundreds of duplicates of herself at will (Adventure Comics No. 368). This was because she was temporarily supplied with a hundred times her normal amount of bio-energy and so could keep on materializing duplicates.

She possesses enough "spare energy" to also materialize functioning duplicates of things she is wearing, including her flight-ring, or small items she is carrying, such as a ray-gun (Adventure Comics No. 304, 326).

In is interesting to note that Duo Damsel's parents have never been shown triplicating themselves (Adventure Comics No. 356, 359). It could be that the energy needed for the split is something that only maturing youngsters possess in abundance. In that regard, the splitting process may have also been a method of seeking out a mate in ancient times. Splitting into three bodies automatically increases a person's chances of survival - providing more hands for gathering food, making shelters, and warding off predators.

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Personal Data

Physical Description: Luornu has medium-length brown hair, parted in the center, that curls outward at her jawline. Her face is rounded and she has thick eyebrows.

Personality: Luornu is a quick-thinking (Adventure Comics No. 343), active (361), and practical person (380). She is also a bit of a romantic (369, Jimmy Olsen No. 76 ). She enjoys surprising people with her power (Superboy No. 147), and sometimes she shocks her escorts on Earth who expect to be dating one girl (Adventure Comics No. 316 "The Origins and Powers of the Legion of Super-Heroes"). However, since her third body was killed and she became "disabled" in the view of Carggians, she can sometimes feel inadequate as a super-hero (Adventure Comics No. 378, 380, Action Comics No. 387/2).

Luornu loves her family's suburban home and owns a red one-seater air-car (Adventure Comics No. 378).

Skills: Fencing, which she can practice with herself (Adventure Comics No. 361).

Interests: Luornu is interested in archaeology (Adventure Comics No. 321) and geology (361, 318). She enjoys reading and spending time in libraries (362). She is also interested in writing and journalism, and relishes her job as a staff reporter for the Legion Bulletin, a monthly newspaper published by the club and read by all members as well as thousands of law officers throughout the universe (Jimmy Olsen No. 106). Her interest in journalism may have been influenced by her crush on Clark (Superboy) Kent. She keeps personal tape-diaries of all her Legion activities which she has willed to the legion archives (378). It was she who put the finishing touches on the clubhouse's rogue room (Adventure Comics No. 328). She enjoys playing a variety tabletop games (378), including ping-pong (Action Comics No. 380/2). She is also interested in fashion (362), and her favorite beverage is Kalpthon nectar (359).

Nicknames: "D.D." (Adventure Comics No. 360, 377)

Superboy gets a double kiss from LuornuRelationships: Luornu's best friend in the Legion is Phantom Girl, who joined the team almost immediately after she did (Superboy No. 147). The two are confidantes, and share a similar interest in fashion (Adventure Comics No. 362) and sewing (368). Her other girlfriends in the Legion are Light Lass and Saturn Girl (317, Jimmy Olsen No. 76, 100).

Luornu is friends with Matter-Eater Lad, who harbored an attraction to her (318, 325, 341). She in turn had an attraction for Invisible Kid (326, 342) until she got a crush on Superboy (348, 369). Her one-sided affection to the Boy of Steel ended in tears when she came to finally accept the fact that she knows who he will marry when he grows into Superman, and that history cannot be changed (369), although she does still admire and defend him (375). She admitted to being crazy about him but knew that she didn't stand a chance with him.

Bouncing Boy and Duo DamselLuornu finally put aside her fantasies about Superboy after Bouncing Boy stayed with her and comforted her when they were stranded on a small island during a storm, and she began to see him as more than a friend (380). Their first date was to the local ice cream shoppe (Action Comics No. 380/2).

Her lingering attraction to super-powerful men, however, caused one of her bodies to fall in love with and become engaged to Nam'Lor, the hero of Ikros. He called her "Lelith", which in his language means "beautiful". However, his hyper-aura turned her evil, and he broke off the relationship and left her life forever so she would be restored to normal (Action Comics No. 380/2).

Known Relatives: Her parents moved to Earth from Cargg soon after Luornu became a Legionnaire (Adventure Comics No. 359).

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Membership Record

Triplicate Girl applies for membershipApplication: Triplicate Girl applied for the Legion "some days" after its members were made honorary police officers. Her three selves simultaneously approached Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad, and promised to reveal her power once they reached the clubhouse (Superboy No. 147).

Induction: After reaching the clubhouse all three charter members were surprised that she was "triplets". When she merged all her bodies into one the others were impressed and accepted into the team. She was named Triplicate Girl by Cosmic Boy (Superboy No. 147).

Positions Held: Staff reporter for the Legion Bulletin (Jimmy Olsen No. 106)

Aliases Used: Triplicate Girl, Tina Glenn (Lois Lane No. 50), Marie Elkins (Adventure Comics No. 369, 370)

Career Highlights:

Adventure Comics No. 318 (Mar. 1964) "The Mutiny of the Legionnaires"

Triplicate Girl was part of the crew that manned the space-ark from Xenn. Mutinying against the power-mad Sun Boy, she and her castaway comrades survived many ordeals before returning home. It was her idea to capture a space-roc and use it for transportation, based on her knowledge of minerals and space lore.

Adventure Comics No. 325 (Oct. 1964) "Lex Luthor Meets the Legion of Super-Heroes"

Matter-Eater Lad and Triplicate Girl went on a mission to Khann, a world populated only by criminals. An increase in "space static" kept their Legion ship from being detected on the villains' radar screens, allowing the heroes to pilot their ship safely down to the planet and kidnap Atro, the leader of the Brain-Lords of Khann, so he could be taken to Earth and punished for his crimes.

Adventure Comics No. 326 (Nov. 1964) "The Revolt of the Girl Legionnaires"

Triplicate Girl was brainwashed by Queen Azura into attacking Invisible Kid, Brainiac 5, and Cosmic Boy. Teaming up with Shrinking Violet, she lured them into romantic places and then miniaturized them and placed them inside a safety match box.

Adventure Comics No. 340/341 (Jan./Feb. 1966) "Computo the Conqueror" / "Colossal Boy's One-Man War"

After triplicating for the third time in one day, the planet Cargg's bad luck superstition appeared to be real when Computo annihilated one of Triplicate Girl's fleeing bodies. Believing her to be entirely dead, her comrades built a device that collected the inert particles of her body and launched the remains to Shanghalla, the cemetery satellite. The two surviving Luornus returned shortly after her funeral, to the joy of her teammates, and subsequently changed "their" name to Duo Damsel.

One of Luornu's bodies is destroyed

Adventure Comics No. 359/360 (Aug./Sept. 1967) "The Outlawed Legionnaires" / "The Legion Chain Gang"

  Duo Damsel on an espionage missionWhen the Legion of Super-Heroes was outlawed, Duo Damsel's parents told her the story of how the anti-Legion law had been passed. When the Legionnaires went to visit R. J. Brande to try to enlist his aid, Duo Damsel was one of the Legionnaires captured and put into jail.

After she was freed by the other Legionnaires, Duo Damsel was part of the team sent to infiltrate the Presidential Palace to try to figure out how the minds of everyone on the planet were being controlled. Disguised as a messenger from the Representative of Grax, Duo Damsel entered the palace. After only one of her left, the other was free to roam the building, checking the files in the presidential safe for clues.

Adventure Comics No. 368 (May 1968) "The Mutiny of the Super-Heroines"

Duo Damsel was once again brainwashed into attacking her male teammates, but this time, she and her girlfriends had their powers fantastically "beefed up". Temporarily, she was able to duplicate an army of herself.

Adventure Comics No. 369/370 (July/Aug. 1968) "Mordru the Merciless" / "The Devil's Jury"

  Duo Damsel in 20th century SmallvilleIn an effort to escape from the sorceror Mordru, Duo Damsel set the time-cube's controls to send herself, Superboy, Mon-El, and Shadow Lass into the past to hide in 1930s Smallville. While there, Duo Damsel posed as Marie Elkins, Chief Parker's wife's second cousin. Without revealing her secret identity, "Marie" saved two trucks from colliding by throwing a heavy street sign onto the road where it acted like a ramp to overturn one of the trucks and prevent the collision.

As part of their plan to defeat Mordru and his army, Duo Damsel split and disguised one of her selves as Shadow Lass so the real Shadow Lass could later help take the sorceror by surprise.

Adventure Comics No. 378 (Mar. 1969) "Twelve Hours to Live"

Duo Damsel was one of the heroes poisoned with rakurga during Brainiac 5's birthday party. After watching Superboy perform terrific feats via long distance scanner, she decided to spend her last hours with her parents, although she kept from them the fact she was dying as she didn't want her father to blame the Legion for her death. She and the other Legionnaires were eventually cured by the Seerons (Adventure Comics No. 380).

Action Comics No. 380 (Sept. 1969) "Half a Legionnaire"

  Duo Damsel's gets a dual personalityWhen a crazy man took to sniping at air-cars, Duo Damsel was able to split to avoid the blast from his gun and then grab him from two sides. Since she was tired, only one of her bodies left on a mission to deliver some papers to the planet Ikros. While there, "Luornu II" met and fell in love with the resident super-hero, Nam'Lor, who dubbed her "Lelith". However, his hyper-aura turned her evil, and she convinced her fiance to return to Metropolis with her and steal some amalgonite. When "Luornu I" discovered this, she tried to get her other self to submit to psycho-care, but Lelith wouldn't listen. When Lelith tried to get Nam'Lor to kill Bouncing Boy, however, he refused, and left so that the effects of his hyper-aura would wear off and she would return to normal.

For information concerning Duo Damsel after 2969, click here.

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