Origin | Super-Powers | Personal Data | Membership "Mon-El (Lar Gand) was born on the planet Daxam, under a red sun. As a youth, he made a flight to Krypton, where Jor-El, Superboy's father, warned him of that world's coming doom and gave him a space map. An accident caused him to drift in space for years, in suspended animation, until he landed on Earth. Here he gained superpowers from the yellow sun, but he had amnesia. Superboy, finding Jor-El's map on him, thought the youth was his big brother and named him Mon-El, for the day he found him (Monday) and his family name on Krypton (El). Later, contact with lead, which is deadly to him, restored Mon-El's memory: but it would have killed him if Superboy had not saved him by projecting him into the Phantom Zone. There he remained for 1,000 years, until Brainiac 5 invented a serum, which, taken at 24-hour intervals, makes him immune to lead and gives him his powers under a red sun." - Adventure Comics No. 329 (Feb. 1965) "Know Your Legionnaires"
Comments: Mon-El remained in the invisible dimension for Superboy's entire 20th century life, watching him grow into Superman (Adventure Comics No. 351, 370), and helping him whenever he could (Action Comics No. 284, Superman No. 156, Jimmy Olsen No. 62). 1,027 years after Mon-El was first exiled into the Zone, he was cured by the Legion of Super-Heroes. He had first encountered the team in the 1930s (Adventure Comics No. 293), then later in the 1960s (Superman No. 156), and now he was a member, and reunited with Superboy once again, during the Boy of Steel's visits to his 30th century club. First Appearance: Superboy No. 89 (written by Robert Bernstein, drawn by George Papp) Mon-El was born on planet Daxam, which, like Krypton, is a giant world that orbits a red sun. Thus Mon-El has the same super-powers as Superboy, and which are derived from the same sources. As Superboy once explained: "Born on a giant world with a heavy gravity, my muscles automatically become super-strong in Earth's light gravity." From this source, Mon-El acquires his muscular powers of super-strength, super-breath, super-speed, and flying (Superman No. 146). Mon-El, like Superboy, can move planets (Adventure Comics No. 313). Because Mon-El is slightly older, physically, it is possible that he is also slightly stronger than Superboy, just as the Boy of Steel is stronger than Supergirl. However, Mon-El is not from Krypton, and the size of Daxam and the exact nature of its sun, compared to that of Krypton, is not known, so a true comparison of their abilities can not be ascertained. Superboy also pointed out that: "... Only the ultra solar rays of Earth's yellow sun can super-energize my brain and five senses to give me the other, non-muscular super-powers," super-senses and mental powers such as x-ray vision, telescopic vision, microscopic vision, super-hearing, super-memory, and super-calculations. "Also, yellow-sun rays, which only tan Earth people's skin, hardened mine like steel. Radium rays... lightning... fire... nothing can harm me (Superman No. 146)." Mon-El, for instance, can survive in the center of Earth's sun, and he can turn his heat vision up to the "Nth degree", which is many times hotter than the sun's core (Adventure Comics No. 305). Ordinary x-rays cannot penetrate Mon-El's body (350). Further experience on Superboy's part shown him that part of his flying power actually comes from the yellow sun source (Superboy No. 141). Mon-El can fly to a distant galaxy and back in "mere minutes" (Adventure Comics No. 305). Flying at super-speed, he can break the time-barrier and travel into the past or the future. He and Superboy only wear flight-rings so that they can send and receive emergency signals to other wearers (369, 372 "The Legion Outpost"). The anti-lead serum Mon-El takes to counteract his vulnerability to lead also has the side-effect of allowing him to retain his super-powers under a red sun. (Note: Adventure Comics No. 319 was the first story to actually show him flying under a red sun - although he was presumably doing so, behind the scenes, in 305 and in 312). Limitations and Weaknesses: Mon-El's x-ray vision cannot penetrate lead or lead-lined walls. It also cannot penetrate inertron, the most indestructible substance in the 30th century universe (Adventure Comics No. 336). The heat of his x-ray vision cannot melt lead, unless it is a very thin lining (313). Ultra Boy's penetra-vision, being twice as powerful as Mon-El's own, can also hurt him (Superboy No. 98). Mon-El is also vulnerable to magic (Adventure Comics No. 369, 331 "The Legion Outpost"), and a uniquely powerful element from another dimension, which was probably of a magical nature since it was employed by Mxyzptlk V (310). Unlike Kryptonians, whose super-powers are driven from them by the radioactive remnants of their home world, a Daxamite's major weakness is his vulnerability to lead, which does not exist on their planet. Another difference is that, while green kryptonite can eventually kill Superboy after prolonged exposure, once it is removed the pain eases and Superboy's strength and powers eventually return to him. For Mon-El, any exposure to lead causes pain and weakness permanently, even after he is taken to safety. Before a cure was found, Mon-El had to stay in the Phantom Zone, without a corporal body, in order to stay alive. He was only ever able to exit the Zone permanently after Brainiac 5 invented an "anti-lead serum". Anti-Lead Serum: Adapted from the original Serum XY-4 invented by Saturn Girl (Adventure Comics No. 300), which provided Mon-El with several minutes of temporary protection against lead poisoning, Brainiac 5's consists of some of the rarest elements in the universe (Action Comics No. 384/2), such as fluvium (Adventure Comics No. 305) and, more importantly, powdered green kryptonite (Superboy No. 89, Adventure Comics No. 333 "The Legion Outpost"). This new formula provides Mon-El with permanent protection, provided he continues to take the serum. Mon-El has been known to neglect to take his serum in the morning (Action Comics No. 378/2) or be overdue to take it (384/2). The frequency of his doses has varied over the years. At first, the serum lasted longer than 24 hours (Adventure Comics No. 305), and he soon discovered that he had to take the antidote once every 48 hours (314, 354 "The Legion Outpost"), although sometimes at 24-hour intervals (329 "Know Your Legionnaires"). Later, he had to take a dose from "time to time" (346/362 "Meet the Legionnaires"). These days, he takes a dose of the pink serum every eight hours and normally carries two extra doses in a compartment in the buckle of his belt, although it will hold a total of seven (Action Comics No. 384/2). A positive side-effect of the serum is that it enables Mon-El to retain his super-powers under a red sun (Adventure Comics No. 333, 363, 329 "Know Your Legionnaires"). The serum can be neutralized by a special chemical gas (Adventure Comics No. 319), Mon-El's ultima-gun (330), or Element Lad's transmutation power (351). The Leigon went to a lot of trouble to ensure the safety of his serum. The underground vault it's kept in is accessed from his dorm room and can only be reached by an elevator room which no-one else can use thanks to special sensors built into the controls. The vault containing the equipment Brainiac 5 designed to produce the serum can only be accessed by a coded electro-impulse generated by the special circuits in Mon-El's flight-ring. Also, it takes super-strength to even open the door. The equipment automatically produces one dose of serum every fourty-eight hours, which is barely enough, but it is the maximum output since the raw materials are so rare (Action Comics No. 384/2). Speculative Explanation of Powers: See Superboy entry for details. Physical Description: Lar has black hair, parted on the left, with a longer strand or two falling across his forehead. He has a fairly long face with boyish features. Personality: Lar's long experience in the Phantom Zone has given him a calm patience (Adventure Comics No. 369) and great courage (Action Comics No. 384/2) in the face of danger. Lar is willing to sacrifice his life for his friends, as when he was planning to use the Daxamite life-exchanging machine on Lightning Lad himself without telling the others (Adventure Comics No. 312). Even though he is now immune to lead, he still has an aversion to it, from force of habit (Jimmy Olsen No. 72). Skills: Lar, like most Daxamites, is a master bio-physicist (Adventure Comics No. 316). He works on Legion security, having invented a belt-device that causes a glow around humans in order to differentiate them from android and robot doubles (320). Interests: Exploration (Superboy No. 89) and vacationing in space (Adventure Comics No. 340). Lar likes to eat synthesized steak and eggs for breakfast (Action Comics No. 384/2). Previous Occupations: Space explorer (Superboy No. 89)
Relationships: Superboy is like a kid-brother to Lar, which is why Lar chooses to retain the Kryptonian-type name Kal-El gave him (Adventure Comics No. 350 "The Legion Outpost"). He enjoys spending time with his "little brother" (Superboy No. 89, Adventure Comics No. 313). Lar is also good friends with Legionnaires Saturn Girl (304, 312) and Ultra Boy (316). His non-Legion friends include Garl and Englen from the planet Zirr (321). Although he once seemed to reciprocate Shrinking Violet's crush on him (324), Mon-El is now romantically involved with Shadow Lass. They went on their first date back in 20th century Smallville (369) and he is now completely loyal to her (Action Comics No. 379/2). Known Relatives: Lar has family, descended from his brothers and sisters, on Daxam. He visits them from time to time (Adventure Comics No. 356). Eltro Gand (deceased) was a descendent of Lar's older brother and who was his look-alike (Action Comics No. 384/2). Positions Held: Former honorary member; deputy leader for 6th term (2967-68); deputy leader for the 7th term (2968-69); leader for the 8th term (2969-70) Aliases Used: Bob Cobb (Superboy No. 89, Adventure Comics No. 369/370), the Collector (Jimmy Olsen No. 72), Marvel Lad (a.k.a. Legionnaire Lemon, Adventure Comics No. 305) Career Highlights: Adventure Comics No. 304 (Jan. 1963) "The Stolen Super-Powers"
Adventure Comics No. 305 (Feb. 1963) "The Secret of the Mystery Legionnaire"
Adventure Comics No. 312 (Sept. 1963) "The Super-Sacrifice of the Legionnaires"
Adventure Comics No. 325 (Oct. 1964) "Lex Luthor Meets the Legion of Super-Heroes"
Adventure Comics No. 326 (Nov. 1964) "The Revolt of the Girl Legionnaires"
Adventure Comics No. 351 (Dec. 1966) "The Forgotten Legion"
Adventure Comics No. 356 (May 1967) "The Five Legion Orphans"
Adventure Comics No. 362/363 (Nov./Dec. 1967) "The Chemoids Are Coming" / "Black Day for the Legion"
Adventure Comics No. 369/370 (June/July 1968) "Mordru the Merciless" / "The Devil's Jury"
Action Comics No. 384 (Jan. 1970) "Lament for a Legionnaire"
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