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Through practice, Phantom Girl has learned to make only selective parts of her body immaterial (Adventure Comics No. 340). Conversely, when she is a phantom she can turn parts of herself solid, as when she makes her fist solid to punch opponents (360), a trick she learned in order to be more effectual in a fight. She can disable machines by turning her hands immaterial, reaching inside, and solidying her fingers to interfere with their wiring (373). Whenever Phantom Girl becomes immaterial, an invisible aura of force around her body affects anything she wears or carries in the same way. She can only affect small objects that she can easily carry in one hand (Adventure Comics No. 334, 360, 337 "The Legion Outpost").
By concentrating strongly enough, Phantom Girl can do something that Phantom Zone prisoners can't - enter or leave the Zone at will. While in the Zone, she communicates telepathically like all phantoms do (Adventure Comics No. 323). Phantom Girl can also communicate telepathically to other phantoms or wraiths in this dimension, needing only to turn the top part of her body immaterial to do so (340). Once, when her power was temporarily "beefed-up", she gained the ability to touch objects while in phantom form and turn other people into phantoms, as well (Adventure Comics No. 368). Limitations and Weaknesses: While there are no solid objects Phantom Girl can't walk through, certain forms of energy can hold her back (Adventure Comics No. 372 "The Legion Outpost"). Similarly, she cannot pass through walls charged with anti-phantom energy (374, 376 "the Legion Outpost"). Phantom Girl charged the outer Legion clubhouse walls with such a radiation when she made it phantom-proof back when she first joined the team (Superboy No. 147, Adventure Comics No. 377 "The Legion Outpost"). She can walk through regular force-shields, however (328). Her power can also be jammed, as a radio signal is distorted by static, which will shock her into unconsciousness (Action Comics No. 386/2). Explosive blasts cannot harm Phantom Girl in her phantom form but shock waves from a sufficiently powerful explosion might, due to the vibrations it causes throughout the different planes. When knocked unconscious as a phantom, Phantom Girl reverts back to solid form (Adventure Comics No. 346). Phantom Girl does not always take the precaution of turning into a phantom, and therefore can be physically hurt (Adventure Comics No. 367). Sometimes, a danger may occur so quickly that she does not react fast enough to turn into a phantom in time (319, 379). Speculative Explaination of Power: All people and objects in the third dimension have length, height, and breadth. They are measured on the X, Y, and Z axes, with each at a right angle to the other two. In the fourth dimension, there is a fourth axis at a right angle to the other three, and just as length has "left and right", height has "up and down", and breadth has "backwards and forwards", the fourth axis equivalent is called "ana and kata" by scientists. Three-dimensional beings can't see higher physical dimensions but they can be calculated mathematically and imagined just the same. It is like a two-dimensional circle that cannot look "up" at a sphere because it is not capable of motion in such an "impossible" direction. To the circle, a sphere appears as a circle because it can only see a two-dimensional cross-section of its true form. Similarly, when Phantom Girl's fellow Legionnaires look at her they can only see her "lower" three dimensions. Conversely, a sphere can easily look down into a "topless" circle to see inside of it. This is how Phantom Girl is able to see inside objects, unimpeded by their apparent solidity. When she wants to pass through a three-dimensional object, she only has to "step over" or "slide under" it by moving in an ana or kata direction. This act of going "around" an object via the fourth dimension is perceived by three-dimensional beings as her passing through it. For more details on Phantom Girl's power, see our essay entitled The Fourth Dimension. Physical Description: Tinya has long black hair, currently with bangs over her forehead. She has high cheekbones and a strong jaw. Personality: Tinya has a strong, independent nature; she is very straightforward in relationships (Adventure Comics No. 379). She is proud to have been one of the first ten members to join the team, but sometimes this pride can provoke negative reactions to newer members, such as when she told Karate Kid: "I don't need a Legion tenderfoot to tell me my duty!" (346). The situation was probably made worse by her negative experiences with new members turned bad, such as Command Kid (328), but she always regrets it when her prejudices get the better of her (347). Phantom Girl knows that being a Legionnaire is dangerous and has risks that must be accepted (Adventure Comics No. 379). Tinya voted for Invisible Kid in the 5th term election (Adventure Comics No. 348), a decision she may have regretted later when the stern leader punched her rebellious boyfriend, Ultra Boy (350/351). Tinya has her own apartment in Metropolis (Action Comics No. 381/2). Skills: Tinya has knowledge in reflexology and massage therapy (Lois Lane No. 50).
Nicknames: "P.G." (Adventure Comics No. 360) Relationships: Tinya has long been a admirer (Adventure Comics No. 316) and supporter (375) of Ultra Boy, even in times of trouble (316), and worries for his safety (319). She cares for him very deeply, although sometimes she still feels a little shy and vulnerable while in her material form (316, 337). Tinya is also good friends with Legionnaires Duo Damsel, who she confides in (361), and Superboy, of whom she holds in very high opinion (347). Known Relatives: Tinya's parents live on Bgztl but they visit her on Earth from time to time and she enjoys her mother's cooking (Action Comics No. 381/2).
Induction: Startled at how easy a phantom could infiltrate "the safest place on Earth", the charter members agreed to accept her on the condition that she help make the building impervious to all future phantom-like invaders. Upon her acceptance, Saturn Girl named her "Phantom Girl." She joined almost immediately after her friend Triplicate Girl (who later became Duo Damsel) (Superboy No. 147). Positions Held: Permanent member of the Legion Espionage Squad (Adventure Comics No. 347 "The Legion Outpost") Aliases Used: Phyllis Groves (Lois Lane No. 50) Career Highlights: Adventure Comics No. 316 (Jan. 1964) "The Renegade Super-Hero"
Lois Lane No. 50 (July 1964) "Lois Lane's Luckiest Day"
Adventure Comics No. 326 (Nov. 1964) "The Revolt of the Girl Legionnaires"
Adventure Comics No. 337 (Oct. 1965) "The Weddings That Wrecked the Legion"
Adventure Comics No. 340 (Jan. 1966) "Computo the Conqueror "
Adventure Comics No. 360 (Sept. 1967) "The Legion Chain Gang"
Adventure Comics No. 368 (May 1968) "The Mutiny of the Super-Heroines"
Adventure Comics No. 379 (Apr. 1969) "Burial in Space"
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