Origin | Super-Power | Personal Data | Membership Record Legion of Substitute Heroes | Membership
Like all the people of the planet Zwen, Stone Boy can petrify his body into hard stone. When he petrifies, his hair is not affected by the transformation. Generally speaking, this form is associated with a sleeping state but, though he can not move, Stone Boy can remain awake in stone form (Adventure Comics No. 351, 365 "Origins & Powers of the Legion of Super-Heroes"). Stone Boy can talk while petrified, so presumably he does this by ventriloquism (Adventure Comics No. 351, 374). While in his stone form he weighs one ton (2,000 lbs.) (Adventure Comics No. 351). After much practice and concentration, Stone Boy can petrify specific parts of his body, such as his hand. This enables him move and punch someone with a stoney fist (Adventure Comics No. 331). Limitations and Weaknesses: While his stony form is hard, it is not unbreakable, and can possibly be crushed (Adventure Comics No. 311). Because he spends half his life immobilized, Stpne Boy is not very agile and is the least fastest runner of the team (Adventure Comics No. 311). Physical Description: Dag has brown hair, brushed back from his forhead in a "widow's peak". Personality: Dag is patient and methodical, ingenious and courageous (Adventure Comics No. 315). He is loyal to his friends in the Subs and is capable of self-sacrifice for the greater good (315). Dag has the distinction of being the first person to decline membership in the Legion of Super-Heroes (315, 323 "The Legion Outpost"). Due to the difference in planetary rotation between Zwen and Earth, Dag sometimes falls asleep while on monitor duty (311). Skills: Dag is mechanically inclined, and has helped build the team's spaceship (Adventure Comics No. 306), as well as a defensive robot (311). He also possesses expert knowledge on minerals, able to detect from the surface the possibility of rare metal ores underground (311). Interests: None known Previous Occupations: None known Nicknames: None Relationships: Dag is close to all his teammates in the Subs, and to former Sub members Dream Girl and Star Boy. Known Relatives: His parents, a younger brother, and a younger sister live on Zwen (Adventure Comics No. 306, 315). Application: Stone Boy applied for membership in the Legion of Super-Heroes on the same day as Polar Boy, Night Girl, Chlorophyll Kid, and Fire Lad, and was rejected because his power was considered too static to accomplish anything positive. Induction (Subs): Commiserating with fellow rejectees Fire Lad and Chlorophyll Kid, Stone Boy and the others were met by Polar Boy and Night Girl, who informed them that they should all form their own super-hero club, the Legion of Substitute Heroes (Adventure Comics No. 306). Induction (LSH): In 2964, the Subs were finally recognized by the Legion of Super-Heroes for their help and made an official branch of the Legion Reserve, to be called upon for help when needed (322, 326 "The Legion Constitution - Part Two"). Positions Held: None Aliases Used: None Career Highlights: Adventure Comics No. 306 (Mar. 1963) "The Legion of Substitute Heroes"
Adventure Comics No. 311 (Aug. 1963) "The War Between the Substitute Heroes and the Legionnaires"
Adventure Comics No. 315 (Dec. 1963) "The Legionnaires' Super-Contest"
Adventure Comics No. 351 (Dec. 1966) "The Forgotten Legion"