Origin | Super-Power | Personal Data | Membership Record Legion of Substitute Heroes | Membership
Fire Lad has developed perfect control of his flame-breath through practice and is able to carve statues out of ice blocks (Adventure Comics No. 351). Note: Fire Lad once seemingly projected his fiery breath from his hands (Adventure Comics No. 319), and this was labelled as a "boo-boo" (322 "The Legion Outpost"), but what should be pointed out is that the Sub was wearing a spacesuit at the time, so his fire breath had to have been redirected through specially insulated ducts so that the flames could be projected out his gloves. Limitations and Weaknesses: Fire Lad cannot ignite wet or nonflammable objects (Adventure Comics No. 315). Physical Description: Staq has somewhat sharper facial features. He is the tallest of the Subs. Although his hair appears "fiery", it is merely fashioned that way as part of his costume's flame-design. His hair is probably red, somewhere between the shades of Sun Boy's or Lightning Lad's. Personality: Staq is observant, tenacious, and resourceful (Adventure Comics No. 315). Skills: Staq possesses knowledge of archaeology (Adventure Comics No. 306, 311) and geology (315). Interests: Staq is artistic and using his fiery breath, which he controls with expert precision, he directs this talent into ice sculpture (Adventure Comics No. 351). Previous Occupations: None known Nicknames: None Relationships: Staq is close to all his teammates in the Subs, and to former Sub members Dream Girl and Star Boy. Known Relatives: None known
Induction (Subs): Commiserating with fellow rejectees Stone Boy and Chlorophyll Kid, Fire Lad and the others were met by Polar Boy and Night Girl, who informed them that they should all form their own super-hero club, the Legion of Substitute Heroes (Adventure Comics No. 306). Induction (LSH): In 2964, the Subs were finally recognized by the Legion of Super-Heroes for their help and made an official branch of the Legion Reserve, to be called upon for help when needed (322, 326 "The Legion Constitution - Part Two"). Positions Held: None Aliases Used: None Career Highlights: Adventure Comics No. 306 (Mar. 1963) "The Legion of Substitute Heroes"
Adventure Comics No. 315 (Dec. 1963) "The Legionnaires' Super-Contest"
Adventure Comics No. 322 (July 1964) "The Super-Tests of the Super-Pets"
Adventure Comics No. 351 (Dec. 1966) "The Forgotten Legion"