Origin | Super-Powers | Personal Data | Membership Record Kal-El was born on Krypton, a planet of giant size revolving around a red sun. Because Krypton had a core made of radioactive uranium, internal stresses started a chain reaction that the infant's father predicted would explode like a gigantic atomic bomb. The Council of Scientists scoffed at Jor-El, preferring to believe in their Cosmic Clock, which predicted safety for their world. Nobody believed Jor-El except his brother, Zor-El, who agreed that unless space-arks were built, all would die when the day of doom came. Barely in time before the fatal hour, Jor-El and Lara placed their son, Kal-El, in a small rocket and launched him towards the planet Earth. His rocket crash-landed outside of Smallville, where a passing farm couple, Jonathan and Martha Kent, found the infant. Later, they adopted him and named him Clark, after Martha's maiden name. Under the influence of Earth's lesser gravity and the rays of its yellow sun, baby Clark soon began to display amazing powers. After selling their farm and moving to Smallville, Jonathan Kent opened up a general store and Clark started school. As the lad grew up, he gained full control of all his great powers and, as Superboy, began his public career as a super-hero (Superman No. 146, and others). First Appearance: (In the Weisinger Era / Silver Age) Superboy No. 64 and Adventure Comics No. 247 (both Apr. 1958) "Superboy came from the planet Krypton, which has a red sun. He derived his super-powers of invulnerability, flying, super-strength, super-speed, X-ray vision, heat vision, etc. from Earth's yellow sun." - Adventure Comics No. 316 (Jan. 1964) "Origins and Powers of the Legion of Super-Heroes"
To Superboy, pressing 10 million pounds (5,000 tons) with one hand is "a cinch" (Adventure Comics No. 361). It is also an easy trick for him to apply the pressure of 50,000 atmospheres, the force of a meteor strike, to a piece of coal in one clenched hand and transform it into a diamond. Even his super-breath is powerful enough to nudge a planet through space (293), or freeze the air around objects. He can hold his breath within his super-lungs for an indefinite period of time. In regards to his invulnerability, Superboy surmised that "yellow-sun rays, which only tan Earth people's skin, hardened mine like steel. Radium rays... lightning... fire... nothing can harm me (Superman No. 146)." Superboy is invulnerable not only to these, but to blades, projectile weaponry, and even the intense heat and forces generated by an exploding sun (Superboy No. 117). Superboy can fly at velocities thousands of times the speed of light, able to whisk off to distant stars in seconds. Combined with his invulnerable body, his great speed is able to propel him through the time-barrier to fly into either the past or future. At full flight speed, hurling his densely-packed body at full force, Superboy can strike with the power of 1,000 H-bombs (Adventure Comics No. 366) - over a billion tons of TNT. Superboy only wears his Legion flight-ring to send and receive emergency signals to and from other wearers (369, 372 "The Legion Outpost"). Superboy has also pointed out that: "... Only the ultra solar rays of Earth's yellow sun can super-energize my brain and five senses to give me the other, non-muscular super-powers" - super-senses and mental powers such as x-ray vision, telescopic vision, microscopic vision, super-hearing, super-memory, and super-calculation (Superman No. 146). Superboy's x-ray vision enables him to see through objects but to also activate some machines - such as his Superboy robots. His x-ray vision can fog photographic film (Superboy No. 98). Ordinary x-rays cannot penetrate Superboy's body but Ultra Boy's penetra-vision can (Adventure Comics No. 350). Superboy can increase the thermal energy generated by his x-ray vision to heat or melt objects. Later referred to as "heat vision", it cannot affect or harm his own body; it takes the combined vision of two super-beings to, say, cut his hair or trim his fingernails (Superman No. 139). It should be noted that Superboy's hair and nails do not normally grow under a yellow sun.
Superboy's aural and olfactory senses are also super-sensitive - with his super-hearing able to pinpoint the tiniest sounds made many miles away and his super-senstive nostrils able to pick up on the faintest of odors. Superboy's super-brain can memorize vast encyclopedias worth of knowledge and has the power of instant total recall. He can also work out complex mathematical formulae in seconds. Combined with his super-speed, Superboy can construct complex mechanical devices in seconds. His greatest invention is his Superboy Robots, which can duplicate most of his powers to a limited degree, even time-travel (Adventure Comics No. 302). They are not invulnerable, however, and can be short-circuited or made inoperable by various environmental conditions. Without Superboy's super-brain, able to calculate the precise amount of power necessary to do normal-scale tasks, he would not be able to function safely as the boy of Steel. From picking up a pencil as Clark Kent or catching a person who is falling as Superboy, he would be a hazardous destructive force if he were not in control of his great super-powers. Superboy also possesses a super-voice, which he can use for super-ventriloquism or hypnosis. His super-loud shouts can cause vibrations that can alter the molecular structure of some substances. Unfortunately, he cannot work this trick with kryptonite, since nearness to the deadly substance makes him too weak to shout (Adventure Comics No. 267). Limitations and Weaknesses: Superboy's x-ray vision cannot penetrate lead or lead-lined walls. It also cannot penetrate inertron, the most indestructible substance in the 30th century (Adventure Comics No. 336). The heat of his x-ray vision cannot melt lead, unless it is a very thin lining (313). Superboy cannot normally use his heat vision to melt kryptonite. By concentrating hard on nearby kryptonite for at least six agonizing minutes, the heat of his x-ray vision can suceed in melting it. Two or three minutes of concentration is not enough, however (Action Comics No. 252/1). While kryptonite can melt, it does not burn because it can't combine with oxygen. For this reason, fragments to not burn up in Earth's atmosphere and are more readily found (276/1).
The initial effects of green kryptonite on Superboy are pain, weakness, and eventual paralysis. A sustained exposure will cause a condition known as kryptonite blood-poisoning, which is typified by the victim's skin having absorbed so much deadly radiation that it turns a green pallor. If removed from kryptonite's harmful influence before his body turns completely green, the pain will ease and Superboy will rapidly regain his strength. If not, death will result. Despite Superboy's power of total-recall, repeated encounters with kryptonite have caused gaps in his otherwise super-memory (Superboy No. 106). It should be noted that green kryptonite only saps Superboy's strength. If too close to the initial exposure, he will become too weak to crawl away to safety or use his breath to blow the rock out of range. All of his other super-powers, however, remain unaffected. For instance, he is still invulnerable to harm from all other conventional means (Superboy No. 86 and others). After a flock of green kryptonite meteors passed through a crimson cosmic cloud it was transformed into red kryptonite, the peculiar radiations of which always have unpredictable effects on Kryptonians. It may shrink him, split him into two people, or turn him into a giant (Adventure Comics No. 315). The effects of exposure are only temporary and usually pass within a day or two. Once affected by a specific piece of red-K, he can no longer be affected by it. It can, however, act in the same exact way upon another Kryptonian. Gold kryptonite is a rare form of the meteor, and fortunately so, since exposure to it robs a super-Kryptonian of their super-powers permanently (Adventure Comics No. 320). Blue kryptonite has no effect on Kryptonians, but will destroy imperfect, non-living Bizarro duplicates (329). If Superboy passes through a solar system, too close to its red sun, he will quickly lose all his super-powers (Superman No. 141). He will also lose his powers on a planet under a green sun (155). He will retain his powers in an orange sun system, but at half-strength (Action Comics No. 384/1), and under a hotter blue-white sun his powers are increased (Adventure Comics No. 315 "The Legion Outpost"- an effect first theorized by reader and future writer/editor, E. Nelson Bridwell).
Superboy is also vulnerable to extra-dimensional forces, such as magic (369/370). Superboy can be hurt by heat vision more powerful than his, such as Ultra Boy's penetra-vision (Superboy No. 98). Superboy cannot break through a foot-thick slab of manganium inertron (Adventure Comics No. 367, 374), although Karate Kid has speculated that he could if he knew karate (367). Superboy can be hypnotized (Adventure Comics No. 339), especially if kryptonite is used (349), or if it is by a fellow super-being - as in the case of Supergirl using a post-hypnotic command to make him forget her when he returns to the 1930s (341). Speculative Explanation of Powers: Considering Superboy's almost limitless strength and vast array of powers, the role that Earth's lighter gravity plays seems almost negligible compared to the yellow sun explanation. After all, a terrestrial planet, even one with a uranium core, wouldn't have gravity much more than 5 times that of Earth's. That alone wouldn't give Superman the power to move mountains. It does, however, provide the foundation for which the "super-energy rays" of Earth's yellow sun need to work. We know that the gravity of Krypton cannot be more than 5 times higher than on Earth because Earthlings like Jimmy Olsen have visited there. Forced to their hands and knees, unable to stand or move without the aid of special anti-gravity devices, the gravity was "tolerable" only in that it would have probably caused them to black out if it was at anything higher than 5gs. In 2007, astronomers discovered a Krypton-like planet orbiting second out from the star Gliese 581, 20.5 light-years from Earth. This ancient and stable star, billions of years old, is a red dwarf that is 50 times cooler than our own. The planet has 1.5 times the diameter of Earth, and about 5 times the gravity. The likelihood of water and oxygen, and therefore life, existing on Gliese 581c ("the new Earth") is considered to be very good. For a race of humanoids to evolve on a planet with a gravity like this, and to still look like an Earthling in both size and shape, means that their muscular density would have to be extremely high, at least 5 times as much. This is necessary in order to move normally at five times what their weight would be on Earth and for the toughness needed to survive falls in a gravity that high. More muscle mass to move means that a more sophisticated and "super-charged" nervous system is needed to produce the superior electrochemical signals necessary to stimulate the far denser tissue. This results in cells that are more receptive to energy absorption, and able to transmit signals at super-speed. Transferring a person like this to a planet with a gravity 1/5th of what they are born would make him or her over a hundred times stronger, faster, and tougher compared to Earthlings. They would be able to lift cars, leap an 1/8 of a mile, and even deflect bullets with their bodies. While this may explain the Golden Age Superman's abilities to a T, something more is needed to justify the far greater powers of the Silver Age Superman. Which leads us to Krypton's sun; at fifty times cooler than ours, a planet orbiting even as far out as Earth is from its sun, would recieve much less thermal energy and cosmic radiation. For people there to benefit from the rays of their sun, as Earthlings do when they produce vitamin D, Kryptonians would need to have skin cells that were designed to utilize the weaker rays more efficiently. They may even have organelles similar to the chloroplasts in plants that allow them to absorb light to synthesize sugars and other essential needs. Taken to Earth, with its comparatively "ultra solar rays", a red sun being would have these solar cells literally drenched in energy. Their high-gravity nervous systems would work synergistically to avoid an energy overload by converting much of it to extra mass on an atomic level. With a molecular density many thousands of times greater, he or she would possess nearly limitless strength and become virtually invulnerable to harm. One might expect then, that a Kryptonian with so great a mass would, even on Earth, have a corresponding weight that would sending him crashing through floors. The reason it doesn't leads to the explanation of the next power. In 1992, a Russian engineer named Eugene Podkletnov discovered that a superconductor disk (made up of large, tightly-packed atoms to allow greater electron flow) bombarded with high radiofrequency waves would allow the fast moving electrons to succeed in blocking off gravitational waves. The result was that an object placed on the disk, partially shielded from the Earth's and its own gravitational field, actually reduced in weight. Superboy's super-dense and energy-filled body acts similarly, able to block off the effects of gravity to the extent that he only weighs a miniscule fraction of his true mass. By willing his body's electrons to move even faster, at super-speed, he can negate the effects of gravity completely and leap off of the ground using his great strength, unfettered by the Earth's gravitational field. By localizing the gravity-shielding electron flow so it affects only one area of his body, the difference between the weighted and weightless sides would result in motion. For instance, making just the upper half of his body weightless would result in his lower half to "fall" upwards if vertical, or forwards if horizontal. Similarly, making the left side of his body weightless would make him "fall" to the left, and making his right side weightless would cause him to turn right. Thus, he has the ability to fly. Superboy may sometimes use his ability to negate gravity in a way that can be misinterpreted as super-strength. If his body is a natural gravity shield, then anything he holds above it will be reduced in weight. This might serve to explain how he is able to fly buildings carried by one corner and they don't fall apart. Superboy's super-breath is as powerful as it is because his super-strong lungs can super-compress air and then release it at super-velocity. He can also freeze the air around objects by either drawing cold air down from the upper atmosphere with his powerful vaccuum breath to release elsewhere, or condensing the moisture in the air into ice. Superboy having a dense molecular structure means that the lenses of his eyes refract light to a much higher degree. Combined with his body's high-conductivity, which enables him to emit powerful rays of electromagnetic energy, he can see objects far away with telescopic-like vision. This also explains his microscopic vision. His ability to emit electro-magnetic radiation from the higher wavelengths, such as x-rays, to the lower ones, such as infrared, explains his ability to see through objects, to melt them, and to also see in the dark. According to Einstein's formula of relativity, E=mc2 - where energy equals the mass of an object multiplied by the speed of light squared - it would be impossible for a physical mass to travel faster than light-speed. As it approached that velocity, its mass would increase exponentially, thus making it harder to move. At the speed of light, both the object's mass and its speed would be infinite. Superboy gets around this problem by possessing the aforementioned ability to convert energy to body mass, and vice-versa. As his body approaches the speed of light, he transforms the gained mass into energy, which supplies him with the necessary power to propel himself even faster, thus breaking the light-barrier. In this way, he can travel through time and space. Clothing and objects that are from Krypton, or other heavy gravity worlds orbiting a red sun, also have their molecular structures altered to become super-dense when on Earth. Physical Description: Clark has blue eyes, and black hair - parted on the right, with a lock of hair curling over hairline to the left. He is 5' 10" tall and weights 145 lbs. His chest measures 40" around and his waist 30" (Superboy No. 86).
Superboy has a fear of failing people or letting them down. He can create overly imaginative "explanations", often prompted by a need to fulfill some emotional need (Superboy No. 89). He is humble, self-sacrificing, and noble. He is considered by most beings in the known universe as being the greatest super-hero of all time. Skills: Superboy is mechanically inclined, his greatest invention being his Superboy Robots. Those, and all his super-tools, and all the momentoes he posesses of his homeworld Krypton, he has written in his will to be left to the Legion (Adventure Comics No. 378). Interests: Superboy likes to play games of strategy with his fellow Legionnaires (Adventure Comics No. 342, 362, 373). He also likes to build things in his spare time, and for Superboy that usually means large scale construction projects, such as buildings or bridges (314). Previous Occupations: Besides being the most famous super-hero of the 20th century, as Clark Kent he works as a stock boy and cashier in the Kent General Store. Nicknames: "The Boy of Steel", "Supie" (Adventure Comics No. 372, 380) Relationships: Mon-El is like a big brother to Superboy, and his best friends in the Legion also include Ultra Boy, Saturn Girl, Brainiac 5 (the "descendant" of his future foe, Brainiac), Shrinking Violet, Karate Kid, Star Boy, Phantom Girl, and Cosmic Boy. Superboy pretty much gets along well with every Legion member. Superboy has been fairly unromantic where female teammates are concerned, and in as much as he tries to avoid relationships, fate has already decided his future spouse. Of all the girl-Legionnaires, his friend Duo Damsel has been the most infatuated with the Boy of Steel, but her crush is a frustrating one as she has seen the person Superman will marry on history tapes (Adventure Comics No. 369). Superboy's first love was the Atlantean, Leta Lal, who is the ancestor of Lori Lemaris, who, coincidentally enough, was Superman's first love (Adventure Comics No. 333). Known Relatives: Jor-El and Lara are his biological parents, who died during the destruction of the planet Krypton. On Earth, Jonathan and Martha Kent are his legally adoptive parnets (although they are usually referred to as his "foster parents"). Kara Zor-El / Supergirl is his cousin from the 1960s. Application: Superboy was visited by three teens from the future - Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl and Lightning Boy - and invited him to return to the future with them in their time machine with the intention of being installed as an honorary member of their super-hero club, the Legion of Super-Heroes. Arriving in the 30th century, Superboy was put through three initiation tests. First, he failed to find the sunken statue of the Unknown Spaceman, losing out to Saturn Girl because he had to stop a runaway Superboy robot. Then he failed to put out a forest fire and lost out to Cosmic Boy because he had to dispose of a falling satellite. Lastly, he failed to warn the Nova Express of its leaking fuel tank, losing out to Lightning Boy because he had to capture an invisible eagle from Neptune that had escaped from the Interplanetary Zoo. As a result, Superboy was rejected from the Legion of Super-Heroes. Despite the jibes, Superboy took it with a smile covering his broken heart.
Comments: Superboy was made a full-time regular member the following year in mid-2963. According to Adventure Comics No. 323, the leadership election for the 3rd term was on the anniversary of the day Superboy was sworn in as a member. In Saturn Girl's flashback to that day (seen in part 2, page 8, panel 1), Cosmic Boy is the leader performing the ceremony and Lightning Lad is among those members present. This means that Superboy was made a full member on the last day of Cosmic Boy's term, shortly before the election which Saturn Girl telepathically "rigged" in order to battle Zaryan the Conqueror herself (304 - page 2, between panels 4 and 5). Superboy first met his Kryptonian cousin Supergirl shortly after this, at Lightning Lad's funeral, and following this she had to place a super-hypnotic command into his mind to make him forget about her each time he returned to his own era (Adventure Comics No. 334, 341). Reserve Status: When the Legion was told they had to limit their team's membership in order to avoid paying back taxes, Superboy went out of his way to do the noble thing and resign, feeling that he wasn't needed as he wasn't as powerful as Mon-El and didn't belong in the 20th century (Action Comics No. 387/2). He was retained as a Reservist, however (Action Comics No. 391 "Metropolis Mailbag"). Positions Held: Former honorary member; deputy leader for 4th and 5th terms (2966-67 and 2967-68, respectively) Aliases Used: (with the Legion) "Marco Malok" (Adventure Comics No. 372) Career Highlights: Adventure Comics No. 310 (July 1963) "The Doom of the Super-Heroes"
Adventure Comics No. 312 (Sept. 1963) "The Super-Sacrifice of the Legionnaires"
Adventure Comics No. 320 (May 1964) "The Revenge of the Knave from Krypton"
Adventure Comics No. 342 (Mar. 1966) "The Legionnaire Who Killed"
Adventure Comics No. 333 (June 1965) "The War Between Krypton and Earth"
Adventure Comics No. 346/347 (July/Aug. 1966) "One of Us Is a Traitor" / "The Traitor's Triumph"
Adventure Comics No. 350/351 (Nov./Dec. 1966) "The Outcast Super-Heroes" / "The Forgotten Legion"
Adventure Comics No. 352/353 (Jan./Feb. 1967) "The Fatal Five" / "The Doomed Legionnaire"
Adventure Comics No. 357 (June 1967) "The Ghost of Ferro Lad"
Adventure Comics No. 365/366 (Feb./Mar. 1968) "Escape of the Fatal Five" / "The Fight For the Championship of Universe"
Adventure Comics No. 369/370 (June/July 1968) "Mordru the Merciless" / "The Devil's Jury"
Adventure Comics No. 372 (Sept. 1968) "School for Super-Villains"
Adventure Comics No. 378 (Mar. 1969) "Twelve Hours to Live"
Action Comics No. 387 (Apr. 1970) "One Hero Too Many"
For information concerning Superboy's Legion career after 2969, click here. |