Origin | Super-Powers | Personal Data | Membership Record When the planet Krypton exploded, a large chunk of the world was hurled away from the explosion. Among the survivors was Zor-El, a scientist who was the brother of Superman's father Jor-El. Unfortunately, while the citizens of Argo City had survived the explosion, the ground was converted to anti-kryptonite, an element whose radiations can poison and kill non-powered Kryptonians over time. Luckily Zor-El had enough lead shielding to cover all the ground and protect his people. Years passed and Zor-El married Allura and their child, Kara, was born. When she was in her mid-teens, a meteor shower destroyed the leaden shield. Desperately, her father worked against time to construct a space rocket. They had less than a month to send Kara to another world before the anti-kryptonite radiations slowly poisoned the air. Using a super-space telescope, Allura examined many planets that they could send their daughter to. Focusing on Earth, they saw Superman of Krypton performing super-deeds. Kara was dressed in a similar super-suit and launched to Earth barely in time. Unknown to Kara, her parents survived the disaster themselves by entering the Survival Zone. Crash-landing on Earth, Supergirl was met by Superman and discovered that they were cousins. In the lesser gravity and under the yellow rays of the sun, Kara displayed amazing powers similar to Superman's. He dressed her in Earth clothes and a brown pigtailed wig to give her a secret identity, and Kara chose the name Linda Lee. Superman entered Linda in Midvale Orphanage, wanting her to live as an "ordinary" girl until she got used to Earthly customs. At night, Supergirl operated as Superman's secret weapon (Action Comics No. 252). After spending two years in the orphanage, Linda was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Danvers (Action Comics No. 279), and soon after this, Superman revealed Supergirl's existence to the world in a public ceremony (285). First Appearance: Action Comics No. 252 (written by Otto Binder, drawn by Al Plastino) Supergirl was born on Argo City, which, like Krypton, has a heavy gravity and orbits a red sun. Thus, she has the same super-powers as her cousin Superboy, which are derived from the same sources. As Superboy once explained: "Born on a giant world with a heavy gravity, my muscles automatically become super-strong in Earth's light gravity." From this source, Supergirl acquires her muscular powers of super-strength, super-breath, super-speed, and flying (Superman No. 146).
Superboy also pointed out that: "... Only the ultra solar rays of Earth's yellow sun can super-energize my brain and five senses to give me the other, non-muscular super-powers," super-senses and mental powers such as x-ray vision, telescopic vision, microscopic vision, super-hearing, super-memory, and super-calculations. "Also, yellow-sun rays, which only tan Earth people's skin, hardened mine like steel. Radium rays... lightning... fire... nothing can harm me (Superman No. 146)." Ordinary x-rays cannot penetrate Supergirl's body (Adventure Comics No. 350). Supergirl can fly through space at faster-than-light speeds, and even break the time-barrier to travel into the past or the future. It has been shown that part of her flying power actually comes from the yellow sun source (Superboy No. 141). Supergirl doesn't wear her Legion flight-ring (Action Comics No. 377 "Metropolis Mailbag"), though with it she could send and receive emergency signals to other wearers (Adventure Comics No. 369, 372 "The Legion Outpost"). Supergirl's super-voice can hypnotize people, even other super-beings like her cousin. In fact, she has used it to place a post-hypnotic command in Superboy's mind to make him forget all about her when he returns to his own time in the 1930s (Adventure Comics No. 341). Limitations and Weaknesses: Supergirl's x-ray vision cannot penetrate lead or lead-lined walls. It also cannot penetrate inertron, the most indestructible substance in the 30th century (Adventure Comics No. 336). The heat of her x-ray vision cannot melt lead, unless it is a very thin lining (313). Kryptonite is the remants of the planet Krypton, turned radioactive and known for its signature green glow. Nearness to its radiations will rob the strength of a super-powered Kryptonian but have no effect on a non-powered Kryptonian or a person who is not from Krypton. Kryptonite radiations cannot penetrate lead, which acts as a shield against its harmful effects. Anti-kryptonite, which exists on Argo City, has the unique effect of being able to harm non-super Kryptonians (Action Comics No. 252). The effects of green kryptonite on Supergirl are pain, weakness, and eventual paralysis. All of her other super-powers, however, remain unaffected. For instance, she is still invulnerable to harm from all other conventional means.
Supergirl loses her powers wherever the conditions of Argo City or Krypton are duplicated, such as the Bottle City of Kandor (Action Comics No. 279/2). Supergirl is vulnerable to objects that come from Krypton-like worlds, which also become super under a yellow sun. She can be overpowered by super-people or super-animals who would be normally stronger than she is if they didn't have super-powers. Supergirl is also vulnerable to extra-dimensional forces, such as magic. Supergirl can be hypnotized, especially if kryptonite is used, or if it is by the voice of a fellow super-being - such as the time that Queen Azura brainwashed her into hating men by rearranging the words of a recording of Superboy's voice (Adventure Comics No. 326). Speculative Explanation of Powers: See Superboy entry for details. Physical Description: Kara has blonde hair that was originally fairly short, going just past her jawline, and curled out at the ends. It has grown progressively longer over the years (no doubt from deliberate journeys to Kandor for this very purpose, since her hair cannot grow in an Earth environment), so that it is now shoulder-length and curled in at the ends. Sometimes she wears it parted on the left, sometimes on the right, and other times it is parted in the middle. She has a very pretty face, with strong cheekbones, and a squarish jaw. Personality: Kara is a caring and sensitive, sweet and lovable person who enjoys keeping busy. A romantic at heart, Kara has tried to arrange the marriage of her cousin, Superman, with mixed results (Action Comics No. 289/2). Kara longs for someone to confide in about her super-life and was very happy to join the Legion of Super-Heroes and have super-girl friends to talk to. Still, Kara's involvement with the Legion has been limited to only a handful of adventures, since her 20th century life is busy enough, between Linda studying at college and her missions as Supergirl (Adventure Comics No. 334). Skills: Kara is a good cook (Action Comics No. 282/2) and an organized housekeeper (289/2). Interests: Kara enjoys solving difficult problems with her super-wits (Action Comics No. 270/2). She also enjoys digging tunnels (267/2, 276/2). Previous Occupations: None, though she is currently a super-heroine on 20th century Earth. Nicknames: "The Maid of Might" (Adventure Comics No. 351 and others)
Kara's other friends in the Legion include: Sun Boy (Superman No. 156, Adventure Comics No. 313), Dream Girl (350/351, 368), and Phantom Girl (Action Comics No. 290/2). Known Relatives: Allura (mother), Zor-El (father), Kal-El/Superboy/Superman (cousin), Edna Danvers (adoptive mother), Fred Danvers (adoptive father)
Induction: Fortunately no red-k mishap happened this time, and the feat won her membership in the team. In a public ceremony at Metropolis Arena, both she and Brainiac 5, who was also chosen to join, were awarded plaques and presented to the public (Action Comics No. 276/2). Comments: Supergirl first met Superboy in the 30th century at Lightning Lad's funeral, and following this she had to place a super-hypnotic command into his mind to make him forget about her each time he returned to his own era (Adventure Comics No. 334, 341). Positions Held: Temporary honorary leader during the 2nd term (2963-64 Adventure Comics No. 313). Aliases Used: Unknown Boy (Adventure Comics No. 334) Career Highlights: Action Comics No. 287 (Apr. 1962) "Supergirl's Greatest Challenge"
Adventure Comics No. 313 (Oct. 1963) "The Condemned Legionnaires"
Adventure Comics No. 326 (Nov. 1964) "The Revolt of the Girl Legionnaires"
Adventure Comics No. 334 (July 1965) "The Unknown Legionnaire"
Adventure Comics No. 350/351 (Nov./Dec. 1966) "The Outcast Super-Heroes" / "The Forgotten Legion"
Adventure Comics No. 368 (May 1968) "The Mutiny of the Super-Heroines"
For information concerning Supergirl's Legion career after 2969, click here. |