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Branch Established: 2962 (Adventure Comics No. 293).

Origin: After Krypto, Comet, Beppo,
and Streaky saved the Legionnaires and Earth from the
Brain-Globes of Rambat, whose hypnotic powers could not
work on non-human minds, the Legion officially appointed
them an animal branch of the team (Adventure Comics No. 293). Later, in 2964,
Chameleon Boy's friend Proty II was inducted into the
team (Adventure Comics No. 322).
Criteria for Membership: To be a Legion
Super-Pet you have to a) be the pet of a Legionnaire, b)
have a super-power, and c) use it to help others (Adventure Comics No. 322).
Member Privileges: The Super-Pets
get to sit at a special table and guard the Legion
clubhouse when its members are away on missions (Adventure Comics No. 322).
Base of Operations: The Legion of
Super-Pets meets in the Legion clubhouse, where they have
their own special table built for them by Superboy. The
clubhouse wall has a plaque with the names and images of
all of the animal members (Adventure Comics No. 322). The Legion of Super-Pets also runs the Henry Bergh Shelter
for Homeless Animals in 20th century Metropolis (Superman No. 176/1).
Note: Although two of the members of the Legion
of Super-Pets (Comet and Proty II) are already
telepathic, Saturn Girl often uses her powers to make the
others temporarily telepathic as well, so they can
communicate with each other on missions (Adventure Comics No. 322, Adventure Comics No. 364, Superman No. 176/1).
Chronology of Appearances (as a team)
Adventure Comics No. 293 (Feb. 1962) "The Legion of Super-Traitors"
Legion of Super-Heroes gathered the super-animals
from their respective time eras to combat the
Brain-Globes of Rambat, who could not control the
minds of animals. The Super-Pets defeated the aliens
and saved the Earth.
Adventure Comics No. 313 (Oct. 1963) "The Condemned Legionnaires"
When it was
discovered that Satan Girl's powers could not affect
animals, the Legion of Super-Pets was gathered once
again and managed to subdue the super-strong
villainess with their own powers of super-strength.

Action Comics No. 309 (Feb. 1964) "The Superman Super-Spectacular"
Supergirl brought the Super-Pets with her to appear on the episode of "Our American Heroes" honoring Superman. They formed a tower consisting of Krypto on the bottom, then Streaky on top of him, then an upside-down Beppo on top of him, and then finally Comet, balanced on one hoof, at the very top.
Adventure Comics No. 322 (Jul. 1964) "The Super-Tests of the Super-Pets"
Proty II
applied for membership in the Legion of Super-Pets,
and managed to pass all the difficult induction tests
set to him by the original members.
Superman No. 176 (Apr. 1965) "The Legionnaire's Super-Contest"
Superman traveled back in
time with the Super-Pets to the 1866, where they
taught a lesson to animal abuser Cyrus Atwill.
They also witnessed the creation of a law against
animal cruelty as well as the beginnings of the
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
(the S.C.P.A.).
Adventure Comics No. 343 (Apr. 1966) "The Evil Hand of the Luck Lords"
When it was
suspected that the super-animals were immune to bad
luck, the Legionnaires brought them along on their
mission to Thaun where the ended up saving everyone
from the jinxes of the Luck Lords.
Adventure Comics No. 351 (Dec. 1966) "The Forgotten Legion"
The Legion of
Substitute Heroes travelled back in time to
Supergirl's era in search of an imprint of an
enchanted shoe to use in a spell. Supergirl asked the
Super-Pets to attack the Subs, whom she didn't
recognize due to a piece of green kryptonite in her
brain. The Super-Pets attacked, but all were subdued
by the Substitute Heroes except for Comet, who
knocked them all down and left his horseshoe prints
in a chunk of cement Night Girl used as a shield,
thus completing their mission.
Adventure Comics No. 364 (Jan. 1968) "The Revolt of the Super-Pets"
After the
neglected Super-Pets were given first class treatment
on the planet Thanl, they decided to leave the
Legion. The Thanlians had convinced the Super-Pets
that the human Legionnaires were plotting to destroy
them and so the two teams eventually clashed. Later,
when Comet and Proty II went undercover as new
Legionnaires to spy on the Legion, they instead
learned that it was the Thanlians that were deceiving
them, and so re-teamed with the Legionnaires to
defeat them.
Adventure Comics No. 380 (May 1969) "The Legion's Space Odyssey"
When Dream Girl learned that the lives of some Legionnaires were
endangered, Superboy whisked them away to a distant
planet for their own safety. The stranded
Legionnaires, not knowing of Dream Girl's vision,
slowly made their way back home. The Legion of
Super-Pets helped Superboy delay their arrival on
Earth until after the danger was past.
Action Comics No. 387 (Jan. 1968) "One Hero Too Man"
In order to
avoid paying taxes for their organization, the
Legionnaires tried to decide which of their 26
members must stand down from active duty. When
Supergirl offered to be the one, Comet and Streaky
promised they would quit, too. This prompted
Supergirl to agree to stay.