Alias: Size LadOccupation:
Affiliation: Works for the
Murran government, which is bent on planetary
Planet: Murra
Super-Powers: All Murrans had
access to a mighty computer that made super-pills
that gave the inhabitants virtually any
super-power they wanted - super-strength,
thought-casting, invisibility, shape-changing,
flying, invulnerability, electricity, x-ray
vision, etc.
As Size
Lad, Aarl took a pill to give himself the power
to make any object bigger or smaller.
and Weaknesses: The effects of the
super-pills were only temporary.
Personality: Aarl is the
commanding and confident leader of the
interplanetary secrets agents whose mission was
to steal the fictitious "Plan-R" from
the Legionnaires as a prelude to invasion.
Relationships: Aarl commanded two
other Murrans during their infiltration of the
Legion - Blackout Boy and Magnetic Kid (Xaxan) - whom he got
along well with on a professional basis, though
he shows little patience for any incompetance.
Record: The Legionnaires defeated
the 2965 Murran plan for invasion by using
"Plan-R" to trick the spies into
joining the Legion then leading them to their
native world where they destroyed their computer
and all the super-pills on the planet.
Comics No. 337
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Occupation: Jewel thief using
his job as a robot service man as a front. He
owns his own business on Earth called "Al's
Robot Service: Robots Repaired and
Maintained."Super-Power: None
Weapon: Al uses a
senili-ray, which he stole from the Metro Science
Center. The ray can age its target 10,000 years
in 30 seconds, making witnesses and evidence
crumble to dust.
Transportation: Al drives his
air-truck, which advertises his business on the
Personality: While good at
pretending to be a friendly and hard-working
handyman, Al is actually a ruthless killer.
Record: Al worked for the Warren
estate in order to steal Janice Warren's light-jewel from
Karmath, a valuable gemstone her wealthy father
bought for her, in 2968. He tried to kill Janice
in order to cover his tracks. He was captured by
Chameleon Boy.
Action Comics
No. 383/2
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Occupation: ScientistSuper-Power: None
Equipment: Alaktor invented a
"marvel belt" with gadgets to mimic the
powers of super-radiance, super-loud sound,
mechanical hypnotizing, and others.
greatest invention, however, is the
Psycho-Changer, a portable headset that can
transfer the personality of the person wearing it
into the brain of another person. This places the
user into a coma-like trance, while their
personality dominates the target body. This
device can even work on invulnerable beings like
Superboy and Mon-El.
Personality: Alaktor is a man
of great ambition, and while he plans his crimes
with great detail (he even learned Latin in order
to converse with Nero), he one major flaw is that
he is too trusting of the criminals with which
which he associates.
Record: While
pretending to be a Legion applicant in 2963,
Alaktor used special cameras hidden in his
"marvel belt" to take x-ray photographs
of the Legion Clubhouse so he could later slip
past its security devices and steal a Legion
time-bubble. After recruiting Emperor Nero from
A.D. 64, John Dillinger from 1934 and Adolf
Hitler from 1945, Alaktor used his psycho-changer
device to impress the trio's evil personalities
into the brains of Mon-El, Ultra Boy and
Superboy, respectively. Alaktor's ultimate goal
was to get them to help gather mighty scientific
machines on Lost World, but his plans backfired
when Saturn Girl played villain upon villain by
telepathically revealing to them the others'
secret weakness.
Comics No. 314/1
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Occupation: Small-time thiefSuper-Power: None
Weapon: Rakurga, the
deadliest poison in the universe and one with no
Personality: His obsession for
murderous revenge over being arrested for
penny-ante theft inditcates Korlo has an unstable
mind (as does his insane laugh). Unlike most
criminals who feel the need to gloat and gain
recognition for their crimes, Korlo relished the
idea that the Legionnaires would never know who
killed them and why.
Record: Previously arrested by the
Legion for penny-ante theft. To avenge himself,
in 2968 he used rakurga laced with green
kryptonite to poison Brainiac 5, Duo Damsel,
Karate Kid, Princess Projectra, and Superboy. The
Legionnaires were saved by the Seerons from
another dimension, who had also kept Korlo in a
timeless state until the other members of the
team arrived to arrest him.
Comics No. 378-379
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Occupation: Leader of a gang
of thieves who steals experiemental drugs and
sells them on the black market.Affiliation: Was part of a
loose alliance of criminals operating out of the
planet Modo.
Super-Power: None
Weapons: He is not averse
to sacrificing part of his haul to incapacitate
his victims.
and Weaknesses: Without adequate
protection, there is always the danger of
inhaling any gases used against opponents.
Personality: Ranff is not very
bright, as evidenced by using mind-expanding gas
as a weapon but not wearing a gas mask. As a
result, he succumbed to his own "Preparation
Record: Knowing that he had a
refuge in the living planet Modo, Ranff led a
gang of four other thieves to steal experimental
and forbidden mind drugs from the United Planets
mind-drug research center in Metropolis in 2968.
Due to his ineptitude, he succumbed to the
mind-expanding gas he used against the
Legionnaires and so was captured and taken to
Science Police Headquarters for questioning by
the Interrogator. The information he provided
about Modulus's control over the planet Modo
enabled the Legionnaires to come up with a plan
to eventually make the biggest catch of crooks in
Comics No. 377
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Occupation: Would-be
conqueror, possibly from another universe. Affiliation: Partnered with an
old man named Skyzznx.
Super-Power: None
Weapons: A long-range death
ray, powered by solar wind.
Transportation: A large sailboat
made of inertron that skims the surface of the
sun, driven by the solar winds upon its
thermoplastic sail.
Personality: Overconfident to
the point where she will celebrate her victories
ahead of time. Likes to drink alcholic beverages.
Relationships: It is not clear
what her relationship with the old man, Skyzznx,
was. It may have been simply professional but
they may also have been either lovers or had
family ties.
Record: In 2968, the
two would-be invaders hid on their sailboat on
the sun and tried to destroy the Legion with a
death ray. Superboy saved his teammates and, upon
their failure, Skyzznx chose to turn a gun on
both he and Alrrk. While it appeared as though
the two were incinerated, the device may have had
another, unknown function, one that enabled the
duo to escape their punishment.
Comics No. 380

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Occupation: ThievesAffiliation: The gang is made
up of three members.
Planet: 281-Y
Super-Powers: None
Transportation: They did have a
few one-man space-ships, which Colossal Boy
stomped on during his capture of the gang.
Record: These small-time crooks
wanted to pull one last job in 2965 that would
enable them to get rich without having to pull
any future robberies. So, from a secret
government lab on Earth, they stole the duplazor,
a handheld machine that can make exact duplicates
of anything. They were trailed back to their
headquarters by Colossal Boy, who arrested them.
Comics No. 330
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Tal ObrinOccupation: Space hi-jacker
Affiliation: The Devil's Dozen
Planet: Not named
of Operations: Tartarus
Super-Power: Like all men on
his world, Apollo possesses a golden aura that
makes females captivated by his irresistable
charms. They will do anything for him, even
steal, without knowing they are doing anything
wrong. Even Saturn Girl's super-mentality
couldn't hold up against the full strength of his
and Weaknesses: His power to charm has no
effect on males.
Equipment: Apollo uses a harp
to lull both people and beasts into docile
submission. On his planet, instruments like this
are used to cool fiery tempers (probably between
jealous males). When another tune is played, it
can also cause tempers to flare up.
Personality: Apollo is vain,
smug, and boastful. He instinctively reacts to
seeing physical imperfection in others by being
Record: In 2966, Apollo robbed the
Interplanetary Bank as part of a plot to kidnap
the Legionnaire Lightning Lad for Evillo to make
him join the Devil's Dozen. He was later punched
out by Invisible Kid.
Comics No. 350-351
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Occupation: Leader of the
Brain-Lords of KhannAffiliation: The Brain-Lords
Planet: Khann (in the Palace of
Villainy), which is inhabited only by the
criminal outcasts of hundreds of worlds.
Super-Power: None
Personality: An
eternally-living brain removed from the dying
body of one of the cosmos' mightiest evildoers,
Atro was more cunning and evil than all the other
globe-brains combined, of which there are
Record: Too numerous and heinous to
mention, he has destroyed entire worlds and
killed billions of people. Matter-Eater Lad and
Triplicate Girl went on a covert mission to Khann
to bring Atro to justice in 2964.
In: Adventure
Comics No. 325
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