Name: Biron |
Planet: 20th c. Earth (born
in ancient Greece) |
Super-strength, speed, invulnerability,
flight, telepathy, etc. |
Since: 2963 |
Origin | Super-Powers | Personal
Data | Membership

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Comet was born Biron, a
centaur, on the Greek isle of Aeaea in ancient times.
There, Circe the sorceress reigned and the centaur fell
in love with her. One day he saw her archenemy, Malador,
a rival wizard, trying to poison her spring. With
unerring accuracy his expertise with a bow and arrow
prevented his evil plan. Circe saw him act in her defense
and as a reward, she agreed to use her magic to grant his
wish to be human. But Maldor had tampered with her
potions, and instead of making him all-human, the one he
drank made him all-horse. Circe could not undo the spell,
but to lessen his grief, she used her magic to give him
the super-powers of the gods, including immortality.
However, Malador was not finished with his revenge
against Biron, and cast a magic spell to exile Biron to
an asteroid in the constellation Sagittarius forever (Action
Comics No. 293/2, Adventure
Comics No. 364).
After centuries
had passed, Supergirl's rocket sped by the asteroid on
her way from Argo City to Earth. The rocket was equipped
with repeller rays to protect it from asteroids; one
struck Biron's asteroid and shattered the magical aura
which had kept him prisoner (Action
Comics No. 293/2). After using his
telepathic powers to send her dreams of the two as
super-partners, Biron the horse and Supergirl finally
met. She named him Comet after a marking on his back
which resembles a shooting star (Action
Comics No. 292/2).
Later, Comet went
on a mission with Supergirl to the planet Zerox. While
there, Prince Endor cast a magic spell that turns Comet
into a human, but only when a comet passes through the
solar system he is in. While human, he adopted the
identity of "Bronco" Bill Starr, a rodeo
trick-rider, whom Supergirl fell in love with (Action
Comics No. 301/2).
Appearance: Adventure
Comics No. 293 (written by Jerry
Siegel, drawn by Curt Swan); chronologically, his first
appearance is in Action Comics
No. 292/2 (written by Leo Dorfman, drawn by Jim Mooney)
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See the Supergirl entry for details, though being a
stallion he has them to a greater degree. Also, not being
from Krypton he is unaffected by Kryptonite and red suns.
The same potion that
gave Biron the super-powers of the gods also made him
immortal; as such he cannot age or die (Action
Comics No. 293/2).
Comet also possesses
telepathic ability.
Each time a comet
passes through the solar system he is in, he turns into a
man. For a brief transition period, he is once again a
centaur (Action Comics
No. 301/2).
and Weaknesses: Comet is vulnerable to
magic. While in human or centaur form, he becomes mortal
and has no super-powers.
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Description: As
Comet, Biron the centaur, or Bill Starr, he has a
comet-shaped birthmark on his upper back, just to the
left of his spine. As a human it is located between his
left shoulderblade and his spine (Action
Comics No. 301/2). Comet, and the
horse part of Biron, is white in color.
Personality: Biron always longs to be
fully human and is protective of Supergirl. Sometimes he
resents being thought of as a "pet" when he is
really half-human (Adventure Comics No.
Since Biron was
born a centaur, his fate is controlled by the sign of
Sagittarius (Action Comics No.
293/2). He is confident and has, at times, a fiery
is a superb archer. Being a centaur his is also an
exceptional horseback rider because he knows every move a
horse is going to make instinctively (Action
Comics No. 301/2).
Interests: Biron enjoys performing
and acting.
Biron has been an animal actor, working with "screen
goddess" Liz Gaynor (Action
Comics No. 294/2). He also has an
on-again, off-again job as rodeo trick-rider Bronco Bill
Starr Action Comics
No. 301/2). Worked as part of an acrobatic animal act in
a circus (Superman No.
Steed of Steel (Adventure Comics No.
Bill Starr, Devil Horse (Action
Comics No. 311/2).
secretly loves Supergirl but doesn't want her to know
that he is her pet horse. As the human Bill Starr he
romances her but when he reverts to horse form he is
grateful to be there for her as her super-pet (Action
Comics No. 311/2). He gets along
really well with all his teammates in the Legion of
Relatives: None
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Induction: The Brain Globes of Rambat
mentally controlled the Legionnaires into ambushing
Superboy with Kryptonite in order to carry out their plot
to move the Earth into orbit around their doomed planet's
purple sun. When Krypto the Super-Dog arrived and
scattered the four aliens, showing that they had no
powers over the minds of animals, Saturn Girl had the
idea to recruit other Super-Pets throughout history.
Bringing Streaky the Super-Cat, Beppo the Super-Monkey
and Comet the Super-Horse together with Krypto, the four
defeated the Brain Globes. In thanks, the Legionnaires
officially named them the Legion of Super-Pets, an animal
branch of their Super-Hero Club (Adventure
Comics No. 293).
Co-manager of the Henry Bergh Shelter for
Homeless Animals in 20th century Metropolis (Superman
No. 176/1).
Used: Biron
the Bowman
Comics No. 313 (Oct. 1963)
"The Condemned Legionnaires"
When the
female Legionnaires were inflicted with Satan Girl's
"crimson virus", Supergirl discovered that
the villain was powerless to harm animals. She
instructed Lightning Lad to take a time-bubble to
rally the super-animals from the past, and the
Super-Pets attacked and defeated the Supergirl
Comics No. 322 (July 1964)
"The Super-Tests of the Super-Pets"
With all
Legionnaires being kept busy in the effort to defeat
the Time-Trapper, the Super-Pets were enlisted to
stand guard in the clubhouse. Saturn Girl made the
Super-Pets temporarily telepathic so they could
communicate with each other while on duty. Seeing
them at the special table Superboy had made for them,
Chameleon Boy's friend Proty II decided that he, also
being a super-pet, would like to join their Legion.
The other animals were doubtful as, compared to their
super-strength he was "just a blob", but
pledged that he could join if he passed a series of
tests given to him by each of them in turn.
Comet gave him
his first test: to impersonate Superboy and carry out
the next mission assigned to him. Proty passed, using
his ingenuity and shape-changing powers to get some
of the rare element Vorium the Legionnaires needed
for their efforts. Finally, the Super-Pets were proud
to welcome him into their Legion.
No. 176 (Apr. 1965) "The
Revenge of the Super-Pets"
After 20th century
millionaire Mark Dane's will left two million
dollars to build a shelter for homeless animals
to be run by the Legion of Super-Pets, "to
atone for the wrongs of [his] uncle, Cyrus
Atwill," Superman and the Super-Pets
travelled to 1860 to investiate. While posing as
a circus act, Superman and the Super-Pets learned
that Atwill was an animal abuser. Together, the
super-beings decided to teach him a lesson.Superman dyed
Superhorse's hide brown, so he would resemble
Atwill's horse. Then, when Atwill tried whipping
Comet into obedience, he flew into the air,
giving the man a fright. Though Atwill didn't
believe they had actually been flying, he was
shaken up enough to leave his real horse alone
for the day.
Adventure Comics
No. 343 (Apr. 1966) "The Evil Hand of the Luck
After noticing that the
Super-Pets had all touched the jinx-stone that
seemed to be causing the Legion bad luck, yet
were not affected by it, the Legionnaires took
them along to investigate the unlucky world of
Thaun. When the Luck Lords overcame the
super-heroes with their jinxes, the captive
Saturn Girl called the super-animals from the
cruiser with her thought-casting power, and they
came to the rescue. |
Adventure Comics
No. 351 (Dec. 1966) "The Forgotten Legion"
with a kryptonite capsule in her brain affecting her
memory and personality, called the Super-Pets to
attack the Legion of Substitute Heroes in the 20th
century. Although they recognized the Subs, the
Super-Pets trusted in Supergirl when she said they
must be phonies, and so the two reserve branches of
the Legion fought. Of the Super-Pets, Comet alone
remained unscathed and bowled over the Subs to knock
into Night Girl's makeshift shield, thus providing
the Substitute Heroes with the "print of an
enchanted shoe" they had gone into the past to
Comics No. 364 (Jan. 1968)
"The Revolt of the Super-Pets"
After an
argument with the Legionnaires over a mission, the
Super-Pets walked out on them and were soon picked up
by a Thanlian whose people idolized the
super-animals. They were taken to Thanl and given a
headquarters of their own. The Legionnaires followed
them to Thanl and pleaded with them to return home,
after which a brawl ensued and the Legion were forced
away. Rikkor Rost, the head Thanlian, manipulated
Comet and Proty II into infiltrating the Legion ranks
as Biron the Bowman and Blockade Boy II. The
Legionnaires had deliberately let them into the
Legion so they could use the computers to discover
for themselves that the Thanlians were really
space-pirates using them for protection. Speeding
back to Thanl, the human and animal Legions lit into
the Thanlians, overthrowing their corrupt high
Comics No. 380 (May 1969) "The
Legion's Space Odyssey"
When Dream
Girl foresaw several Legionnaires being killed by a
ray-blast directed at the headquarters, Superboy and
Mon-El enlisted the Super-Pets aid in keeping then
away from Earth until the ray had destroyed robot
doubles of them instead.
After the
stranded Legionnaires used their ingenuity and
super-powers to create a spaceship to bring them back
home, Comet used a super-kick to launch a meteor
their way, damaging the craft and forcing them to
land for repairs.
Comics No. 387 (Apr. 1970)
"One Hero Too Many"
In order to
avoid paying taxes for their organization, the
Legionnaires tried to decide which of their 26
members must stand down from active duty. When
Supergirl offered to be the one, Comet and Streaky
promised they would quit, too. This prompted
Supergirl to agree to stay.
more information about Comet the Super-Horse, click here.
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