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The Legion has had several members in its ranks over the years. Some were temporary, others were bad apples infiltrating their ranks and some heroic Legionnaires left due to misunderstandings, lost powers, ruses and villainous plots. Additionally, temporary membership may be granted by a leader or acting leader in an emergency situation, and for the duration of the crisis, without the need of the usual voting quorum. Provisional membership may also be bestowed as a method to carrying out a plan, knowing that the position is not permanent. Below is a listing of every being that has assumed the role of a Legionnaire at one time, but left either temporarily or permanently: "Sun Boy"
Planet: Not revealed Status: False pretenses Reason: A criminal imposter who wore a life-like mask and device to simulate solar energy to pose as Sun Boy. He stole a Legion time machine to trick Superboy into re-assembling a terrible weapon (a cyclops robot with the power to change good people into evil and vice versa). Superboy exposed his plot and brought him to justice (AD 290). Fake Legionnaires
Planet: Not revealed Status: False pretenses Reason: While Supergirl was busy fighting the Positive Man, a gang of Chameleon Men knocked out the other Legionnaires with paralysis gas and then hid the Legion ship on an asteroid. By the time she returned they used their chameloen power to disguise themselves as the real Legionnaires. Though they looked like the Legonniares, the Chameleon Men were unable to duplicate their special powers, so they pretended the radiation fallout had made them all normal. To fool the underworld that the Legion is as powerful as ever, Supergirl fakes their powers. Later, with the help of Whizzy, Supergirl foils their plot and revives the real Legionnaires. (AC 287).
Planet: Earth Status: Temporary resignation Reason: He lost his power. Dirk was readmitted after his power returned (AD 302). Note: This was before the Constitution was ammended to consider such worthy members as a branch of the Reserve.
Planet: Winath (a.k.a. Amarta) Status: Deceased Reason: Saturn Girl becomes Legion leader and promptly maneuvers all members out of active duty after she acquires their powers, so that she alone will face Zaryan the Conqueror. Mon-El warns Lightning Lad of her plan, who then sacrifices himself in her place (AD 304). Note: Due to Proty's sacrifice, he is later restored to life (AD 312).
Planet: Not revealed at first (Daxam) Status: Temporary Reason: Legionnaire Lemon aka Marvel Lad passes all of the initiation tests that the Legion devise and gets accepted into the club, but before the induction ceremony, he reveals that he is actually Mon-El permanently cured of his lead poisoning by Brainiac 5 (AD 305).
Planet: Not revealed (Trom) Status: Temporary Reason: Jan Arrah eventually revealed his power and home planet after defeating Roxxas and his gang and became known as Element Lad (AD 307).
Planet: Winath (a.k.a. Amarta) Status: Temporary false pretenses Reason: Lightning Lad's sister takes her brother's body to a lightning world and assumes his role in the Legion pretending to be him back from the dead. After the ruse is discovered, she joins the club as Lightning Lass (AD 308). Ultra Boy, Shrinking Violet, Chameleon Boy, Triplicate Girl, Element Lad, Phantom Girl, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Bouncing Boy, Matter-Eater Lad, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Invisible Kid, Saturn Girl, Brainiac 5, Lightning Lass, and Mon-El Power: Numerous Planet: Various Status: Temporary deceased Reason: A mysterious raider known as Mask Man gets his revenge on the Legion for humiliating him above Metropolis by revealing that he is actually doll-sized. He uses his vast powers to kill each of the Legionniares starting with Ultra Boy, the second member of the Legion after Lightning Lad to die. Shrinking Violet and Chameleon Boy are sturck down searching for him on Doll World. While pursuing his radioactive trail through space, Mask Man materializes an asteroid with his face before one of the Legionnaire's ships, killing all on board (Triplicate Girl, Element Lad, Phantom Girl, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Bouncing Boy, and Matter-Eater Lad). The remaining Legionnaires retreat to an uninhabited planet to build a citadel to protect themselves from the villain. Colossal Boy is killed while repelling an asteroid attack. Unknown to the Legion, Mask Man kills Invisible Kid and pretends to be him. He kills Cosmic Boy, sabatages Saturn Girl and Brainiac 5, petrifies Lightning Lass and finally exposes Mon-El to a deadly, other dimensional element. Superboy, the last remaining Legionnaire alive, deduces that the Mask Man is Mr. Mxyzptlk's great, great, great, great ancestor and tricks him into saying his name backwards, banishing him back to the 5th Dimension. The effects of his magic vanish with him. Superboy is the only one that remembers the Legion's last stand. (AD 310). False Legionnaires Power: None Planet: Zyzan Status: False pretenses Reason: Aliens from the far world Zyzan lure the Legion into a space-warp trap so that they can sendautomatic digging machines to Earth to steal Earth's rare ores. When the Legion of Substitute Heroes stop their machines, the aliens use their disguise-illusion projectors to appear as the Legionnaires in a bid to get rid of them. Polar Boy is able to use super-cold to paralyze the invaders and the Subs free the Legion without revealing who saved the day (AD 311). The Bravest Legionnaire! Power: Telepathy and shape-shifting Planet: Antares Status: Temporary false pretenses/Deceased Reason: Proty, Chameleon Boy's pet imitated Mon-El in the clubhouse. Later, when he discovers Saturn Girl's plot to give up her life for Lightning Lad, Proty assumes her likeness and dies in her place (AD 312). The Legionnaires enact a memorial in his honor as a fallen comerade (AD 316).
Planet: Rimbor (Rambor as Rann Varal) Status: Temporary expulsion Reason: It was discovered he had a criminal past as Rann Varal and had escaped from jail. Later, it was revealed to have all been a plan on Jo's part so he could capture some space raiders (AD 316).
Planet: Winath (a.k.a. Amarta) Status: Temporary resignation Reason: Lightning Lass seemed to have lost her power. Later, she was readmitted after Dream Girl revealed that Ayla's power was not lost but rather altered into making objects super-lightweight (AD 317).
Planet: Naltor Status: Resignation Reason: Dream Girl had joined under false pretenses, and even though she did so to save lives, her own conscientiousness in following the rules of the Constitution would not permit her to stay. She also wanted to improve upon her future-seeing ability (AD 317). Later, Nura rejoined the Legion (AD 351).
Planet: Earth Status: Legion Reserve Reason: Bouncing Boy is placed in the Legion Reserve after he loses his powers because of the matter-shrinking projector. (AD 321). "Superboy" and "Chameleon Boy" Power: Telepathy and shape-shifting Planet: Antares Status: Temporary false pretenses Reason: As part of his initiation to join the Legion of Super-Pets, Proty II is given challenges by the Pets. Comet has Proty II impersonate Superboy and carry out the next mission assigned to him. Streaky has Proty II accompany Saturn Girl on an important mission as a Legionniare without letting her know his real identity. He passes the tests as well as a few more to join the Super-Pets (AD 322). Unnamed
Planet: Not revealed Status: False pretenses Reason: He joined under false pretenses to sabotage the Legion's emergency board in order to further a crime plot (AD 327). Command Kid
Planet: Preztor Status: Resignation Reason: The youth from Preztor was possessed by an evil entity when his ship crashed on a taboo island. After the creature was exorcised from him using gold, he was left with no super-power of his own and he apologetically quit the team (AD 328). Colossal Boy and Mon-El Power: Super-growth and Superboy-type Planet: Earth and Daxam Status: Temporary expulsion Reason: Dynamo Boy, using a ray from his power belt, set up both Colossal Boy to appear as if he were lying about a mission which is graounds for expulsion under a provision of the Legion Constitution and made Mon-El appear to be a coward and be be discharged by Cosmic Boy (AD 330). Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, Triplicate Girl, Phantom Girl, Chameleon Boy, Invisible Kid, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Shrinking Violet, Ultra Boy, Matter-Eater Lad, Element Lad, and Light Lass Power: Numerous Planet: Various Status: Temporary expulsion Reason: Dynamo Boy assumed temporary leadership of the Legion to expell Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, Triplicate Girl, Phantom Girl, Chameleon Boy, Invisible Kid, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Shrinking Violet, Ultra Boy, Matter-Eater Lad, Element Lad, and Light Lass after he secretly used his power belt to make the signals from the space-traffic-globes invisible which cause several Legionnaires to recklessly zig-zag through space traffic endangering many lives (AD 330). Superboy, Saturn Girl, and Brainiac 5 Power: Superboy-type, Telepathy, and 12th-level effector "computer" mind Planet: Krypeon, Titan, and Colu Status: Temporary expulsion Reason: Dynamo Boy secretly uses his power belt to flip a switch which switched Superboy, Saturn Girl, and Brainiac 5 along with Colossal Boy (asking to be re-instated) super-powers which allowed him to use clause P-206 of the Legion Constitution to expell all of the remaining active Legionnaires (AD 330). Dynamo-Boy Power: Dynamo-radiation which reactivates and re-invigorates (artificial - actually uses super power-belt that bestows temporary super-powers) Planet: Darzyl (Actually Pirate Planetoid) Status: Expelled/stranded in time Reason: Vorm, a space pirate, infiltrated the Legion ranks and succeeded (with Saturn Queen's secret help) in expelling all its members. The LSV he accepted into the new criminal team betrayed him and stranded Vorm in the far future (AD 331). Lightning Lord, Saturn Queen, and Cosmic King
Planet: Winath, Titan, and Venus Status: Expelled/captured Reason: After these villains joined Dynamo Boy's new criminal Legion of Super-Heroes, the ex-Legionnaires challenged the trio to a duel and won. The expelled criminals were deported back to their own future time (AD 331).
Planet: Krypton Status: Temporary Reason: In 2965, Dr. Norm Eldor deceived the Proteans of Antares into believing he was a descendant of the Llorn so he could gain access to certain super-advanced devices. With Unknown Boy's help, the Legion defeated Eldor, and the grateful Proteans erected a statue in his honor, believing him to have been a Legionnaire. In a way he already was, since he was revealed to be Supergirl, temporarily inflicted with amnesia (and x-ray vision that could see through lead) after an encounter with Red-Kryptonite (AD 334). Size Lad
Planet: Not revealed (Murra) Status: False pretenses Reason: The Legion accepted this "applicant" as part of a plan to learn the whereabouts of the Murran spies' home world. In reality, he was Aarl, the disguised leader of the invasion-spies, using a super-pill to give him his abilities. Once the traitors revealed their plans and that they were from Murra, Element Lad changed all of the super-pills on the world to aspirin (AD 337). Blackout Boy
Planet: Not revealed (Murra) Status: False pretenses Reason: The Legion accepted this "applicant" as part of a plan to learn the whereabouts of the Murran spies' home world. In reality, he was a member of the invasion-spies using a super-pill to give him his abilities. Once the traitors revealed their plans and that they were from Murra, Element Lad changed all of the super-pills on the world to aspirin (AD 337). Magnetic Kid
Planet: Not revealed (Murra) Status: False pretenses Reason: The Legion accepted this "applicant" as part of a plan to learn the whereabouts of the Murran spies' home world. In reality, he was Xaxan, a member of the invasion-spies, using a super-pill to give him his abilities. Once the traitors revealed their plans and that they were from Murra, Element Lad changed all of the super-pills on the world to aspirin (AD 337).
Planet: Cargg Status: Deceased Reason: Brainiac 5's latest creation, Computo quickly develops a mind of its own and begins building a coputer army to kidnap scientists (including Brainiac 5) to assimilate their knowledge into its own. It then rebuilds itself to destroy the legion and take over the universe. Computo takes Triplicate Girl's life as the Legionnaires flee (AD 340). Note: Luornu's other two bodies survived and become Duo Damsel (AD 341).
Planet: Antares Status: Temporary Reason: Part of Superboy's plan to confuse and delay Computo so some of the trapped members could be freed. "The Weirdo Legionnaire" was really Proty II in disguise, with Superboy supplying his voice using super-ventiloquism (AD 341).
Planet: Xanthu Status: Expulsion Reason: Kenz Nuhor, a rejected suitor of Dream Girl's, hunted down Star Boy with intent to kill him in out of jealousy. Star Boy was forced to kill the criminal in self-defense but under Legion law, he was court-martialed, found guilty and expelled. Star Boy was invited to join the Subs with Dream Girl (AD 342). Later, Thom and Nura rejoined the Legion as "Sir Prize" and "Miss Terious" (AD 351).
Planet: Myar Status: False Pretenses Reason: This teen from Myar, the alchemist's world, turned out to be an undercover spy of the Khunds, a warlike alien race. He was expelled as a traitor to the United Planets and he used his nemesis power to teleport away when confronted by the whole team (AD 347). Later, Nemesis Kid joined Tarik the Mute's school for super-villains, which was broken up by the Legion (AD 372). Power: Super-hypnosis Planet: Earth Status: False pretenses Reason: Several Legionnaires were hypnotized and forced into accepting Universo as the "Rogue Legionnaire", but as the criminal is well over the age-limit, used force, and a voting quorum was not present at the time, his "membership" was not binding (AD 349).
Planet: Krypton Status: Honorably discharged Reason: When a cloud of Green Kryptonite settled into Earth orbit, the super-cousins were forced into an honorable discharge (AD 350). After the cloud was rendered harmless by Color Kid, who turned the Kryptonite blue, Superboy and Supergirl rejoined (AD 351). Power: Apparent super-strength (Star Boy using his mass inducing abilities), super-vision (Dream Girl seeing the future) and flight (flight rings) Planet: Not disclosed (Xanthu and Naltor) Status: Temporary Reason: When Superboy and Supergirl weres forced to resign due to the presence of a Green Kryptonite cloud encircling the Earth, they named their replacements - lead-armored heroes that the Legionnaires suspected was really Superboy and Supergirl in disguise. Sir Prize turned out to be Thom Kallor and Miss Terious turned out to be Nura Nal, who helped the Legion defeat the Devil's Dozen and free the White Witch (Nura's sister) from the influence of Prince Evillo. They resumed their active membership as Star Boy and Dream Girl (AD 350-351).
Planet: Earth Status: Deceased Reason: Ferro Lad makes the ultimate sacrifice to save the Earth and destroy the Sun-Eater. (AD 353). Power: None, though he is an expert at archery Planet: Earth Status: Temporary Reason: The Legionnaires knew that this applicant was really Comet the Super-Horse in human form and so purposefully let him in so the Super-Pets could realize that the Thanlians were using them (AD 364).
Planet: Antares Status: Temporary Reason: The Legionnaires knew that this applicant was really Proty II in human form and so purposefully let him in so the Super-Pets could realize that the Thanlians were using them (AD 364). Proty took the form of the hero who died saving Matter-Eater Lad on the Stalag of Space (AD 345) and pretended to be his brother. As a shape-changer, Proty could not really become as hard as steel. Power: Shadow-casting Planet: Talok VIII Status: Provisional Reason: Shadow Lass was sworn in as a member when the Legionnaires had to face off against the Fatal Five, believing it might be their last battle. As 3/4 of the active membership was not present at this emergency ceremony, the appointment was only a temporary one. Later, Shadow Lass was rewarded for her heroism by being voted in with full membership (AD 366, AD 377 letter column).
Planet: Earth Status: Temporary expulsion Reason: Colossal Boy was caught stealing valuable secrets for Tarik the Mute and expelled in disgrace (AD 371). He was later readmitted when it was discovered that Colossal Boy had only acted as he did because his parents were held hostages under threat of murder if Gim didn't cooperate (AD 372).. Brainiac 5, Superboy, Karate Kid, Duo Damsel, and Princess Projectra Power: Various Planet: Various Status: Temporary Deceased Reason: Several Legionnaires (Brainiac 5, Superboy, Karate Kid, Duo Damsel, & Princess Projectra) are poisoned and learn that they only have twelve hours to live (AD 378). Later, Ultra Boy revives the fallen Legionnaires by using the Miracle Machine and a cure to the poison developed by the Seerons (AD 379). "Shadow Lass" Power: Shadow-casting (artificial) Planet: Not revealed Status: False pretenses Reason: The Legion's computer announces that one of them is an imposter just before they have to stop a villain called Sunburst. Mon-El is the one to figure out that the imposter is posing as Shadow Lass (AC 379). The imposter, Uli Algor, later, fakes her rehabilitation and is set free. She attempts to get revenge on the Legionnaires (AC 386). "Mon-El"
Planet: Daxam Status: Temporary false pretenses/Deceased Reason: Eltro Gand poses as Mon-El to help prevent his death as foreseen by Dream Girl. However, his help inadvertantly causes Mon-El to succomb to lead poisoning. To make things right, he uses the Exchanger that allowed Proty to revive Lightning Lad and sacrifices his own life to save Mon-El's (AC 384).
Planet: Daxam Status: Temporary deceased Reason: Dream Girl foresees Mon-El's death and everyone tries to help prevent it. When his brother's descendant Eltro Gand tries to save his life, he accidentally ends up killing him. To make things right, he uses the Exchanger that allowed Proty to revive Lightning Lad and sacrifices his own life to save Mon-El's (AC 384). Power: Kryptonian-type Planet: Krypton Status: Resignation Reason: Wayland Bannan of the Bureau of Revenue and Taxation forces the Legionnaires to remove a member in order for them to maintain their tax-free status, so Superboy resigns (AC 387). Mystery Legionnaire Power: Super-magnetism/Chemical-reaction control Planet: Braal/Unrevealed Status: Temporary Reason: Cosmic Boy, Chemical King, and Shrinking Violet stop Klim, an android used by criminals to commit crimes. But, as his head escapes, its distorted vision sees a composite Legionnaire instead of the two before him. He attempts to gain revenge on this non-existent Legionnaire. (AC 389). Prince Projectur and Saturn Lad Power: Apparent illusion-casting (Chameleon Boy shapeshifting for Brainiac 5) & telepathy (Shrinking Violet and Sun Boy choregraphing her entrance) Planet: Not disclosed (Colu and Earth) Status: Temporary Reason: To test Princess Projectra's mental well-being, Brainiac 5 poses as a male version of her - Prince Projectur and Sun Boy poses as a male version of Saturn Girl - Saturn Lad. (AD 392). |